Best friends

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Trigger warning
•blood and injuries
•rushed (sorry)

Also, almost ALL of these ideas AREN'T mine. I  got inspiration from other story's, and tried to add my own spin on them.

Ello, this a little AU that if Bakubabe didn't bully Deku.

Oh and everyone cry's a lot lol, but don't worry there is a happy ending.

This idea is not mine, I only own the non canon parts of the plot. That goes for almost all of the one shots, sorry.


3rd pov

Izuku Midoyria was four when things went downhill. This was because after four years of waiting, he still hadn't gotten his quirk. Everyone he knew already had theirs so why didn't he? Well that's what he went to the doctor to find out.

"Your quirkless."

Those simple words changed the poor boys life, and sadly not for the better. All but one of his friends left him, his dad walked out on him, and he started to be bullied. All because of those two words.

To make matters worse, his only dream, his main goal was to be a hero. Something you could only do with a quirk.

Fast forward a few years.

Deku pov

I walked home alone today because Auntie made Kacchan get groceries.

As I walked, I thought about my hero dreams. I can't be a hero without a quirk. At least that's when everyone is saying. Kacchan and I are the only ones who think differently.

I laugh to myself, I can be a hero and prove them wrong! I can say,

"I AM HERE!" I hold my fist up as I walked, chanting those words. I am here, I am here, I am here! Until I crossed under a bridge. That's when something grabbed me.

"W-what!?" I looked around to see a slime villain grabbing my ankle. Mistake number one. It went into my mouth and ears.

"Don't struggle kid, it will only hurt for a little bit! I just need to use your body!"

Not being able to breathe, I clawed at it, trying to get the slime out. Mistake number two, he was right, fighting it hurt a lot. Just as I was about to close my eyes...


It's basically the same as it is in the show, so fast forward to Kacchan needing help

As I walked down the alley after having all my dreams broken, I heard an explosion. What's the point of seeing what it is anyway. I tried to walk home, but my feet just took me to the scene anyway. Must be muscle memory or something.

As I tried to see over the crowd of heads, I heard people talking,

"I heard the hero's can't help the boy."

"They are waiting for reinforcements."

"Where is All Might, that kid can't hold on much longer."

Who is the kid? I look around, only seeing slime. Oh. Oh no. The villain got out! This is my fault. Oh no..

I try to see the kid, and see spiky blond hair. As the villain turns, I get a good look at him, he has sharp blond hair, red eyes, and wearing the uniform? Wait...

"KACCHAN!" Before I knew it my feet moved on their own.

He looked at me in terror, trying to shake his head. I ignored him.

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