My Name Is Izuku Midoriya, and I am Going to Die.

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It's so funny how things can change in seconds. Lives ruined, new life in the world, hearts broken, someone meeting their partner, you name it. Anything can happen.

Thats why I shouldn't have been surprised. I know this. I was living proof of this sentiment.

And I know, there is no dramatic angles and music, no lighting shift, no slow motion shot in real life.

But you hear about it all the time in media.

I have just been stabbed, and the only thing I can do, is lie here and think of crappy poetry.

It just- doesn't make sense. I've fought the League, Overhall, even All for one for gods sake. So why, out of all of them, was a random thief able to take me out.

I'm getting really cold.

This is all very anti climactic.

.... Hii

I am super sorry about the lack up updates, (and how freaking short they've been recently), but I do have like- 5 short story's I'm working on. I am just hella low on motivation to finish/start them.

Thank you for being patient!

(video in the top not mine, credit to the creator)

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