They Waved

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Listen to the music- it adds to the mood so much

Minor mentions of abuse(?)

He had just been out to grab some groceries, swinging the bag as he walked, listening to the cheeping of birds and swish of the bag. Todoroki headed down the path to the dorms.

The sun was just starting to set, causing a soft array of oranges and reds to tint the sky above him. A contrast to the dreary gray clouds that had covered the sky earlier, despite the heat. It always got warm and humid in the summers of Japan.

He looked up as he walked, feeling quite peaceful for once. The area around him was quiet, unlike the dorms filled to the brim with excitable and extroverted students, though with a few exceptions including himself, so he made sure enjoyed the rare moment.

He took in the trees that had rooted themself in random patterns outside the nearby forest, the thick air, and the smell of a summer storm brewing, as he approached a small playground.

He glanced at it briefly before continuing down the path. Then an all to familiar sound pierced his ears. The shriek of a small boy. The sound was followed by a chorus of laughter and a relatively large thump.

He looked to the side again. This time taking in the previously overlooked herd of kids playing. Chasing each other around and shrieking when they were, inevitably, tagged. Moments of his siblings playing together floated freely in his mind, causing him to pause

He stared at the sight for a few minutes before silently waking over to a nearby swing set. He breathed softly and focused on the golden bark under his feet.

He slowly sat on the rubber seat, feeling the warmth of the cheep plastic under him, from the scorching hot hours earlier in the day. He had never been aloud on swing sets as a kid, though he always thought they looked magical. He had never really been aloud to play at all.

He ran his hand over the seat.

God.. it was so weird to be here. He was on fight or flight despite himself. Just... waiting for his father to yank him away.

He glanced up. The kids were all piling into a car. Probably the chaperone's.

Suddenly, before he could stop it, his hand raised to wave gingerly.

He didn't know why he was waving. It's not like they'd see him. It wouldn't matter. But he didn't stop.

After only a few seconds, he put his hand down. Staring at the mulch under the swing set.

A voice cut through his embarrassment.

He fought the erg to look. The kid was just saying bye to a friend.

After a few seconds, he heard another one. "Byeee!"

And another.

And another.

He looked.

The cluster of kids was waving chaotically, at him.

The chorus of 'byes' was soon cut short by the tired looking chaperone. They had just stepped out of the car to collect the sea of kiddos. Before looking at Shoto, and waving gently.

They herded the kids into the car, and then they were gone.

Shoto stared.

For the first time that day, he smiled.

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