Kiss My Scars Away

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Thank you to my friend for suggesting a dabihawks story!

burn scars (obv)
Self harm (scratching)

Heyyyy ill do my best to keep it as cannon as possible, but I don't have as good of an idea on the characters mannerisms and character.

Hawks pov

I open my eyes, and felt the lack of warmth beside me. The blanket was flipped up onto the edge of the bed.

I slouch up groggily, the bathroom light hurting my eyes.

"Babe?" I open the bathroom door slowly.

Toya's leaning over the sink. He's holding a bottle of hair dye so tight in his hands his knuckles were starting to turn white. He's just- staring at it- with this horrible, scrunched up expression on his face.

I yawn and lean on the doorframe. "Baby, whats wrong?"

He doesn't respond. He just keeps glaring at it.

I rub my face again and finally get a proper look at him.

I feel my eyes widen. The skin- or should I say scars on his face, were red and peeling. Bits blood was smeared across his cheek.

I step closer and touch his shoulder. He flinches violently, looking at me with dangerous, pleading eyes.

"Toya," Before I can finish, his face scrunches up, and he just looks like a kid trying not to cry.

I put my hand on the dye bottle and pull it away from him.

His voice is low and gravelly, and sounds more brittle than usual.

"Kei- ... fuck"

"Hey, Toya- Toya." I plead. "Hug first, okay?" Hugs First was a system we had developed a while ago when I- well. It was just safer this way.

He bit his lip, and pricks of blood dotted the peeling skin. It looked gruesome.. I hate when he's like this.

I wrap my arms around him, and awkwardly cocoon us in my wings.

"I've gotcha, you're okay." It has come to my attention that I'm not very good at comforting. He was always better at this.

He's clenching my shirt to tightly I think its going to tear.

He took a shaky breath. "Keigo- I-"

"Its fine Toya. Lets just go back to bed, okay?"

He nods, and I take a mental note of the smoke the smoke starting to waft from his hands.

I walk slowly, mostly just letting him lead, i heard thats what therapists do when they want to give their clients a sense of control.

I have no idea what I'm doing.

He sits down first, so i plop down next to him.

"Sooooo...." He doesn't meet my gaze. "What happened..?"

He lets out something of a strained cough, and his hand starts to inch up back to his face.

"Touya" I put my hands on his, pushing them back down gently. "Don't do that, you're gonna end up like handyman!"

My attempt to lighten the mood drops like a fly.

I sigh. "Just- Touya- you don't have to talk about it right now- if you just wanna go to bed-"

"Shut up." He cuts me off and after a few seconds, hugs me.

I feel his muscles tensing as he tries to forcibly relax them.

I just... let him hug me. It feels like- it feels like, if I didn't... he'd disappear.

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