Personality Quirk

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Platonic Kiribaku
⚠️Major profanity warning ⚠️

Also, almost ALL of these ideas AREN'T mine. I  got inspiration from other story's, and tried to add my own spin on them.

Also thank all of y'all for the votes!

Deku pov

It was pretty late at night when it happened, but not late enough that people wouldn't be awake. Around eleven at night.

Kaminari, Ashido, and Kacchan, we're playing Mario Kart on the Tv, it's a Saturday, that's why Kacchan is up so late. Sato and Todoroki were baking, and my friends and I just hung out in the kitchen.

My thirtysecond All Might rant that night was cut off when I heard glass breaking and a panicked scream.

Running to the living room, I was shocked when I saw the face of a villain I hadn't seen before. He had messy black hair, not that I could see much of it. Most of it was covered by his hood. Tired brown eyes, with most of his face concealed by a mask, wore a dirty hoodie and some sweatpants. Not all that intimidating looking.

It was only when 'he' took the hood and mask off, was when I was corrected. That 'he' was actually a she.

On closer inspection, her hair was tied up in a messy ponytail, she had pointed ears, with many earrings and even a chip. There were markings under the mask, that looked like ink was in her blood stream.

Why didn't the alarm sound? How'd she get in here? Why is she here?

She looked around and pulled a knife out of her pocket. After a few seconds, we seemed to shake it off and get in a fighting stance.
This was promptly followed by the electronic sound of three Mario Karts smashing into a wall.

Before me or any of my classmates could do anything, Kacchan flew at her with his infamous right hook.

He couldn't even land a hit on her, she glared at him, then her eyes went a bright green, and kacchan fell. He didn't get up either, he just laid there holding his head.

There wasn't enough time to analyze the situation, I should just not look at her if that's her quirk. I charged in with closed eyes, getting ready to grab her with black with black whip, when I felt an immense pain in my skull. Like something was tearing my bones apart, my brain with it.

I couldn't even hear what happened over the ringing in my ears, I only heard her curse under her breath, then bolt somewhere, probably out of the dorms. After Aizawa (I think) entered the room. Everyone immediately rushed at me and I can only assume Kacchan. Hands on my back and muffled voices became clearer as the ringing faded. I opened my eyes after most of the headache was gone.

A bunch of worried eyes met mine, including Aizawas.

"I think I'm ok, I don't know what that was."

There was a relieved sigh there the room.

"Ok, you should go to bed. Let me know if anything feels off in the morning."

"Ok sensei." I was pretty tired, going to bed early couldn't hurt.

Long story short, something was more than off in the morning.

Kirishima pov

Last night was weird, both my friends get attacked, now I can't find them anywhere?! Not manly bro.

I sighed as I stepped through the door way of home room, I wonder if-

Just then I bumped shoulders with someone, causing both of us to fall over.

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