Going Back (part two)

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PaRt twOoOoOoOooo~~~~~~~~
Also shout out to ultimateweeb666
They are my first followers! It means so much to me and I really appreciate it! Thank you so much! On with the story! 🐸
Little Izuku pov
"Well that's weird..."


"There is a peace of paper in this bush."


"Jeez, I'm doing it. God..."

The paper was small, it was less like binder paper and more like a yellow post it note.


"WhAt doEs iT sAY!?"

"Well not much, it just says 'look up'. It's also in your hand writing... this is really weird..."

"What the fuck does that mean?!"

All of a sudden a massive rumble came from... somewhere...

"What is that?! Wait."

Kacchan and I instinctively looked up, and well. Let me say, I was not expecting that.

Normal Bakugo

This is gonna be hilarious, poor Izu and that jerk who was me are gonna be shocked! Me and Izu hid our faces though, so they will have to figure out who we are themselves!

I do hope it will drill some sense into his-my? Skull. I was such a dick...

Before I was ready, we hit the ground.

"Who the fuck are you!?" Mini me yelled, getting into a fight stance. I cringed, especially since little Izuku flinched. I hope this ends well because there is no going back now.

Izuku shook his head. "We can't tell you that Ka- Bakugo." We both shivered, it felt really weird hearing him say my real name.

"How do you know my name?!" Little me barked, it was honestly kind of funny how much of a prick I was.

Normal izuku pov (sorry for changing it so much)

This is kind of cute. Little Kacchan may be angry, but he is not a bad person. I do hope my Kacchan doesn't beat himself up over it.

"You'll find out, know... actually that's kind of why your here. You will have to work together to figure out who we are. And no, you can't just ignore Izuku's insistence or try to fight him. If you do one of us will intervene, Aizawa would be so mad if one of you got hurt..." I trailed off

"How do you know Aizawa?" Little me said, ignoring the fact that I knew his (my) name.

"You'll see."

"Just so you know, we are pro heroes."

My Kacchan jumped in.

"Yeah. You will have to work together to figure out who we are by asking questions. Basically its 20 questions but for us. You will get three guesses on who we are. Any questions?"

Little me raised his hand.

"Yes?" I asked

"What happens if we run out of questions?"

"It's a secret."

"Oh, and will you do a game for each of you or together?"

"Together, so you will have to ask questions like that."

"Ok. Can we start already?" My kacchan complained.

"Yup! And remember to work together, ok?"

"This is awesome! I know all the pro hero's!"

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