First Meeting

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"I'm going to kill you!"

That was the first time I had ever heard the blonde headed boy speak. I watched from beside my fathers side as the child screamed out from the boat we had recently stolen from a group of sailors. A dagger in the boy's hand as he yelled and threatened to kill my father and his men. I could see it in his eyes that he truly meant the words he said. Though we were around the same age, this boy already had his mind made that he would avenge his father no matter what. And that shook me to my core.

"How dare you! How dare you kill my father!" He screeched in anger at all of us, his body shaking with fury. "I'll kill you too! I swear I'll kill you." he repeated angrily over and over, somehow getting louder with each repeating promise of my fathers death.

"He's only a boy.. But look at his fucking eyes.." A sailor swore as we all sat there aghast as the boy's body shook with rage, trying to regain his breath after yelling with all his might. His eyes make eye contact with me and I flinch at his unwavering stare, feeling afraid of his hate filled gaze. "Whaddya think Askeladd? Should we toss him overboard?" Bjorn asked, coming up besides me and my father. "Leave him be.." My father said quietly to Bjorn as he stared down the child on the other ship.

"Come on (Y/N)" My father Askeladd said, dragging my attention away from the boy as he placed a hand atop my head. "I think it's time you get to bed" He said as he took me down under the docks and into our shared cabin.

I was the daughter of a viking leader named Askeladd, though I was a female he saw no reason to not take me on his ventures. And although I was young I knew that women were treated differently in this world ruled by men, we were seen as the weaker sex, useless on the battlefield, and a burden for a viking at sea. Especially when that female was a child, but my father treated me no different than a son. Though he did not allow me to roam a battlefield as young as I was, I was to keep to the ship for my own safety while they were pillaging.

"What are you going to do with that boy?" I asked my father as I went to lay down on a pile of pelts that acted as my bed on this ship.

"hm? ah, nothing." Askeladd says absentmindedly as if he didn't truly care about the boy. "He will soon give up on his revenge quest and wander off the next time we dock for a raid" He smiled ruffling my hair "Don't worry, he won't get hurt little dove" He said before giving a kiss good night on the forehead and heading back up to the deck.

I laid there in silence, pondering on the blonde boy. For some reason, I felt that what my father had said wasn't true. This boy would stick around for awhile, he would not let battle scare him off from trying to kill my father. I could see it in his eyes, the hatred within them that burned brightly. And I knew my father must have thought the same, though he wanted to ease my fears about the boy.


Days after that night the men docked on a beach, and left to go and pillage a nearby village within the forest. Askeladd leaving me on board the ship.

After about a half an hour after the men left I peeked over to the stolen ship, wondering if the shaggy blonde boy was still alive over there. I quickly swiped an apple and some bread from our food stores before grabbing a water skin and slinging it across my back before I hopped out of the ship. My feet hit the soft sand with a thud before I ran my way over to where the stolen ship was.

I held the food in one hand while I used the other to climb up the hull of the ship. Once my feet hit the deck I looked around for the Blonde headed boy, wondering where he could be on this ship. Not seeing him up on deck, anxiety began nibbling at the back of my mind. Quickly I shook the feeling away, running over to the stairs that lead down to the lower deck. Rushing down the stairs I looked around, it was dark with barely any light peeking through the cracks in the wood of the cieling. Letting out a sigh of relief when I saw the boy huddled up against the wall.

'Oh God, what if he is dead?' I thought as I ran over to the emaciated form. Dropping the food as I come to a sliding stop in front of him. "Hey! Hey, wake up! Are you alive?" I asked, shaking him, scared he may have died from lack of water.

The boy shuddered and opened his eyes "Water.." he mumbled, reaching out to me. As quickly as I could I shrugged off the water skin before opening it up and holding the opening up to his mouth gently. Without hesitation the boy grabbed the water skin from my hands and started to down the whole thing. "Hey! Easy, you could throw up!" I said as I went to grab the water skin back from his hands, but he slapped my hands away quickly before going back to downing the water.

"Excuse me?! The thanks I get is to be slapped?" I said in annoyance but the boy ignored me. Finishing up the water skin and letting out a loud sigh of relief, his head falling back against the hull. He sat there for a second as he caught his breath. "Who are you..?" He asked as he gave me a look of confusion and suspicion, finally coming to his senses after getting hydrated.

"My name is (Y/N)" I said as I held out some bread for the boy. "I was worried that you were dead after so many days at sea without any supplies" He snatched the bread from my hand and started to scarf it down as quickly as possible.

"Take it easy, you can choke!" I exclaim loudly, wondering if I should grab it back from him, but deciding against that after what happened last time I tried to take what he wanted I got smacked for it.

"Are you with that crew?" the boy said through a mouth of bread completely ignoring my plea for him to slow down. I was taken aback by his tone of accusation "I am." I say firmly,

He glared at me "Thanks for the food, but I don't need your pity." he said with hostility as he finished up his bread and finally stood up. taking his knife with him. "Especially not from someone who is a part of those vikings"

He made his way to the stairs and ascended them with me hot on his tail "Where do you think you're going?! I just saved your life and you're already gonna run off?" I questioned him as I followed after.

Once at the top of the deck he made his way to the railing and hopped down onto the beach. "Wait!" I yelled after him, wanting him to stay and take it easy after the state I just found him in.

The boy turned back, giving me that hateful glare. "Why don't you stay? Regain your strength before you run off." I offer him but he shakes his head. "No thanks, I don't need your help." he replies swiftly. "Ya right, you can't say that after eating my food." I argued back at him as I leaned against the railing. He goes to turn around after giving me an annoyed look but I yell out again "At least give me your name. I gave you mine, so it's only fair" I said eagerly, needing to hear the name of the boy before he left.

"It's Thorfinn, son of Thors." He called over his shoulder, and left without another look back.

**Author's note here! This is my first ever fanfic so hopefully it ends up good. I will be trying to update new chapters every other day, and will try to follow closely to the manga/anime and follow Thorfinn up till possibly the Baltic war arc. But I hope you all enjoy my little fanfic, thank you for reading!**

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