Coward Prince

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Askeladd and the two men Asser and Gratianus had spoken for at least an hour before returning to the main group. By then me and Thorfinn had rejoined Ragnar and Canute in the carriage. My father announced that we would be giving up our weapons to the Welsh band of warriors as they escort us off their land.

"I refuse to part with my weapon." Ragnar said to Askeladd, gripping the hilt of his sword. "What's stopping those men from slaying us as soon as they get our weapons away from us?"

"It's called a compromise Ragnar. We pretend to be prisoners and the Welsh get to maintain their honor, this way there is no pointless fighting. Don't worry, all of our weapons will be returned once we get to the border." My father explains to him. He was currently standing outside of the carriage and leaning up against the side.

"I simply don't understand how your men are able to just willingly relinquish their weapons at a simple order from you." Ragnar says. A cocky grin spreads across my fathers face "It's impressive isn't it. My men trust my word no matter what." Askeladd brags before directing his attention to me and Thorfinn. "That means you guys as well. (Y/N) your bow and arrows. And Thorfinn your daggers."

Before I could even respond as I obediently reach for my gear Thorfinn replies with a "Fuck off baldy." Causing me to snort out a laugh, my hand going to cover my mouth as I'm surprised by his quick response. "Ah yes. Lots of trust around here." Ragnar says with sarcasm as my father's grin falls from his face. "This little shit is a different story from my other men." he grumbles.

"You misunderstand Ragnar. Thorfinn has other reasons for why he is here, he doesn't care for my father." I tell him as I hand my gear off to my father. He willingly accepts, happy that at least one of us listened to him. "Exactly, he's not my leader. He is my enemy." Thorfinn says as he leans back and crosses his arms, making it clear he was not going to budge on handing over his daggers. Sending my father a look that says 'try to take my daggers, I dare you.'

Ragnar looks confused but before he could ask what Thorfinn meant, Askeladd says "Fine fine, you're both exempt then. I'm sure they won't mind if two men are armed." He walks off, taking my gear with him to where the Welsh were gathering our weapons.

It's been a couple days since then and we were still marching forward through Welsh territory with Asser and his men escorting us. "Coeden." I say slowly emphasizing the syllables. While in the carriage I have been teaching Thorfinn different words in Welsh. And he's been hating every second of it. "Coed...en" he says back slowly, earning a smile from me.

Ragnar and Canute were sitting across from us in the carriage. Ragnar would join in at times and question Thorfinn on a random word in Welsh, though Thorfinn didn't seem to appreciate Ragnar's questioning. I had been surprised at Ragnar knowing the language as well, but I supposed being the prince's caregiver had made him accustomed to different languages. I have yet to know if the prince knew the words as well because he hasn't uttered a word since the first time I met him. I expected him to know some but he kept his mouth shut and just watched us, though at times Ragnar would encourage him to join in, yet the prince simply just shook his head.

"Good job, that means tree." I tell him pointing at one of the many trees we were passing by. Already they were almost stripped bare of their leaves as fall was finally turning into winter. Thorfinn returns my smile and says "give me something harder."

"Oh getting cocky now huh. How about tywysog." This got him to drop his smile. He tries and fails miserably a few times, seeming to get more and more frustrated by the second. I'm fighting back a smile as I watch him, but I seem to not be very good at hiding my amusement because Thorfinn caught on quickly and seemed to get more upset that I was trying not to smile. "What does that even mean anyways?" He demanded.

I look right at prince Canute and laugh "it means prince." Thorfinn turns his attention to the prince and scoffs. "Of course it does. Though Canute isn't much of a prince. He can't even speak without being a little bitch."

I was surprised at Thorfinns sudden aggression. Prince Canute opened his mouth to respond but closed it, not falling for Thorfinns insult and instead let it go. Ragnar at the same time looked as if he was about to go off on Thorfinn for disrespecting the prince. Just as Ragnar opens his mouth, Thorfinn beats him to it. "Got something to say prince? Say it, you do have a tongue don't you?" he jeered at him.

What happened next shocked me even more. "..I.. I'm not a coward.. I have to watch what I say as a.. Prince of the Danes. I'm not like you all. I have a position of political power." Canute said, seeming to carefully choose his words as he talked to Thorfinn. "So you see, I'm not a coward. I'm just being cautious." He continued turning his attention to me, making it clear he wasn't just trying to prove to Thorfinn he wasn't a coward, he was also trying to tell me that as well.

Thorfinn followed his gaze and seemed to come to the same conclusion as me as he took his arm and slung it around my shoulders pulling me closer to him. "Guess we know you're good at making excuses then. Maybe you're not so dumb after all, princess."

"You insolent rogue. No one has ever spoken to me that way before!" Canute shouted out at Thorfinn, a blush of embarrassment spreading across his face. "Good, it'll build character." Thorfinn replied simply.

Me and Ragnar seemed to both be completely in shock as I watched the two go back and forth. The prince gets upset and Thorfinn easily replies with something witty. Me not even comprehending that Thorfinn had his arm currently over my shoulders. I guess the only thing that needed the prince to talk was by letting Thorfinn do what he does best.

Be a dick.

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