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I was still reeling from what my father had told me. It felt as if I was in a fairytale, like some long lost princess. But this wasn't a fairytale where the princess got her prince in shining armor. I peek at Thorfinn as he climbed into the sled. My preferred prince was a short shaggy blonde with a shit attitude problem. Thorfinn catches my eyes on him and sends me a cocky smirk causing me to quickly look away in embarrassment.

'I need to focus on the situation at hand, not what my father just dropped on me and my potential marriage.' I think to myself. The men had thoroughly destroyed the bridge, meaning it would slow down Thorkell by making it hard for his men to get their own sleds of supplies across the river.

That's when a spear came out of nowhere and went through three of our men. Shouts of surprise and fear erupted around me as we watched the men scream in agony, one dying on impact, the other two coughing up blood and slowly bleeding out from the shaft of the spear currently going through their bodies.

"Shit." I whisper as I turn my attention to where the spear originated from. Within an instant Thorfinn was at my side, completely ignoring the fact he was to stay within the sled with the prince. "Are you okay?" He asked quickly looking over my
Body for any injuries before muttering "thank the Gods.."

At the top of the hill on the other side of the river stood Thorkell and his men, they were still a ways off for them to make it on foot. "How did he manage to throw that from all the way over there?" I say shakily. "I don't know. He's a monster of a man." Thorfinn replied as he moved so that his body was positioned in front of me.

"Calm down all of you. We still have a fair distance and we took out the bridge, ignore the spear for now." My father said to the men calmly. But none of them seemed to want to hear out Askeladd "The bridge doesn't matter when they can cross this river on foot!" A man by the name of Torgrim yells out in frustration. "Well then we better start marching if that is what you think." My father replies.

"Again?! Marching is all you have to tell us?" Torgrim shouted. "We stand no chance against Thorkell, so yes that is the only available option. Just give it a day, and you'll see the effects of the bridge being taken out. An army's speed is decided by the speed of their supplies, if they want to keep their supplies they will have to carry the rations over which will take time. And if they follow us on foot and leave their supplies then they can only follow us for a day on empty stomachs. Understand? If you do now then march." He ordered. As me and Thorfinn edge toward the sled, not liking how the men around us were acting, each of them staring down my father with looks filled with aggression.

"But there's no guarantee we will see the end of that day." Torgrim said slowly. My father stared him down. "Then I suppose this is where we part ways then Torgrim. But excuse me, the rest of us need to get a move on." Askeladd said as he started to walk off but some men cut off his path, bearing their weapons.

Me and Thorfinn were at the sled, he helps me up into it by giving me a lift. As soon as I'm situated inside of it I grab his arm and help pull him up. None of the men seemed to have noticed that all of us were now inside of the sled with the prince, they all were too busy preoccupied with what my father was doing. "We've all been together for a long time Askeladd. We don't want to have to kill you, can you just leave the prince to us, take your daughter and fuck off." Torgrim says.

I'm waiting for my father to try and get closer to the sled, expecting a moment for him to jump in and us all to escape with ease. But that doesn't happen. "Can I say something? I've always hated every last one of you and I'll be damned if I let you have your way you pigheaded whoreson Danes." My father says to them, catching them off guard. That's when he unsheathed his sword and sliced off the two nearest men's heads.

"Grab the prince!" Torgrim shouted out, turning his attention to the sled. "Thorfinn!" My father called out to the shaggy blonde. Thorfinn pulled out some throwing knives and threw them into the nearest men's necks, stopping them in their tracks as they tried to get to us. "Father!" I yelled about to jump back out and help him get to us but within an instant Thorfinn was dragging my body to him as the sled lurched forward. "Hang on tight, brats." Bjorn shouted as we sped off, leaving my father behind.

"But my father! We can't leave him." I'm yelling with panic and fear as I watch my father slice through bodies with his sword. "Stay down, he'll be alright!" Thorfinn orders me as he wraps his arms tighter around my body. My back up against his chest. Normally I would enjoy him being so close to me, but now I wanted to fight him off with all of my strength. Even if my father wished for me to marry a man I didn't want, he was still my father, I could never leave him to die.

Clawing at Thorfinns arms he hisses in pain "(Y/N)! Stop!" He shouts at me but I just freak out more as my father and the group of men fade from my view as we race over a hill. Five men were gaining on us on horseback, each of them with weapons drawn as they caught up to us with ease.

"Thorfinn, (Y/N)! What are you two doing, shoot them down." Bjorn yells at us from the front of the sled. "Shut up! I'm working on it!" Thorfinn yells back. "You need to calm down, he'll be after us soon. There were horses we left, he'll get one soon and catch up." Thorfinn assured me. I nod my head as I try to gain control of myself.

"Good now shoot these bastards down." He said, letting me go. I quickly grab my bow and an arrow and nock it back releasing on a man. It strikes into his neck, blood trailing down the front of his chest as he lets go of the reins on his horse. Grabbing at the wound he loses balance and falls off the animal. I'm about to go for another man as I grab another arrow when Bjorn screams out "Wait no! Come for me not the horses! Not the horses!"

All of a sudden the sled loses balance as a horse fell to the ground after a man embedded his axe into the animal's head. The sled running over its large body and the back of the sled going into the air. The wood splintering around us as me and Thorfinn are flung from the back. We land feet first onto the ground, the snow cushioning the fall. I look back to see Canute and Bjorn were tossed into the snow at the front of the crash.

'Father' I think as I grab another arrow and send it flying into a man on horseback. It hits him in the arm and causes him to fall off. I quickly rush toward the horse and grab its reins. Jumping up into the saddle I pull the reins back and direct it back toward the battle, taking off within an instant. Not caring if the prince of Bjorn needed help. I knew Bjorn was strong enough to take down a measly three men, plus one who I had put an arrow through his arm.

"Hey those two are getting away!" I hear a man shout. I turned my attention to see that Thorfinn had also stolen a horse as he raced after me. Seeing another man dead on the ground, I guessed he had tossed his dagger at a man on horseback and killed him for it. "You're fucking crazy!" He yelled as he caught up to me, running side by side on our horses. "You'd do the same if it was your father." I shout back at him. I wouldn't allow him to die yet, if anyone were to kill my father it would be Thorfinn, and when that happens it would be an honorable death.

I Want to be Kind [-Thorfinn X Reader-] [Vinland Saga]Where stories live. Discover now