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It wasn't even a half an hour before we were alerted that reinforcements were currently on their way. What made this situation worse than it already was, was the fact that according to the man my father had tortured, the one on our tails was yet again Thorkell. 'Gods I really regret letting that woman go now' I thought, looking down at the ring currently on my right hand.

"Unhand me! You dare defy my orders!" The prince shouted out. He was currently slung over Bjorns shoulder. "I cannot leave Ragnar in this place! I will not leave without him!"

I watched as the prince tried to squirm out of Bjorns grasp, feeling sympathy for him. If my father or Bjorn had been killed I would feel the same way, not wanting to leave behind their bodies without a proper funeral. "Give it up your majesty. We only have three sleds; there is no room for a dead body." My father explained from where he stood besides one of the carriages that was currently packed full of our supplies.

"Then give him a funeral please! Honor his death I command you!" He pleaded.
"We have no time to spare for that we need to get going." My father explained but his words did not get through to the prince. "You scoundrel- Ow!" Bjorn tossed the prince into the sled without any sympathy.

Tears streamed down Canutes face as he sat upright. "I'm not leaving him, please-" my father stepped forward, bringing his arm back and slapped the prince hard in the face. I cringed at the sound, silence following after it as everyone stopped what they were doing to pay attention to the spectacle.

"Ragnar is dead. He will not come back." My father told him harshly, staring down at the prince. "Scoundrel.." Canute muttered barely audible. My father scoffed before turning his back on the boy, yelling at the men still watching to get back to work.
Askeladd approached me "Tend to the prince. You'll stay in the sled with him as we March." He orders me. I nod "Will do." I say, noting how tired my father looked as of late with all that has happened within the past two days.

He nodded to me before he got back to ordering the men around, telling them what needed to be done.

I headed to the sled and climbed in, the prince was still silently crying not even noticing me as I went to sit beside him. Unsure how I should comfort him in his sadness, I never had to really comfort anyone living the way I have up until now. I reach out and touch his shoulder, startling him. "You okay..?" I ask.

He quickly wipes away his tears. Eyes red already and puffy from crying. "No, of course I'm not." He spoke harshly before catching himself "I'm sorry.. I'm just shocked that he's gone. It'll never be the same again without him." He mumbled.

I frowned, my heart squeezing in empathy. This was partly my fault, my weakness did this to him. "I'm sorry." I say quietly and pull him into a hug. He accepted my embrace, wrapping his arms around me tightly as he laid his head in on my shoulder, crying quietly as the sled began to move and we marched into the night.

**Thorfinns POV**

I watched as the prince hugged her from where I walked outside of the sled, wanting to rip him away from her grasp. I clicked my tongue as I watched, wishing I was allowed inside of it as well but I was ordered to walk on foot. I didn't care if the little princess was sad, I wouldn't hesitate to separate them.

A man falls back from the front of the group, coming to my side and grabbing my attention."What do you want?" I was irritated. "Askeladd wants to speak with you." He said.
"What for?" I asked and he shrugged "He didn't say, all I was told was to let you know he needed you." He answered before walking off.

I send one last glance at (Y/N) and the prince before picking up my pace to get to the front of the group. "Ah, good to see you joining us." Askeladd said from where he walked besides Bjorn when he noticed me. "What do you want badly?" I demanded, already in a bad mood.

Askeladds expression turned cold and serious when he said "I want you away from my daughter Thorfinn." He said bluntly.
"What are you talking about, old man?" I hissed.
"Don't play dumb with me boy. I want you to leave my daughter alone." He ordered me.

I scoffed, "Ya, like hell I will."
Askeladd stared at me down as he walked for a few seconds. "Even if I were to promise you another duel?" He offered.

I grit my teeth. Every time he had ever offered such a deal I would always jump at the opportunity no matter what the cost was. But this was different to me, I could do without an extra duel. There was always going to be other opportunities that I could take advantage of.

"Not this time, old man. That's not enough to get me to stop." I told him. Askeladd gives me a look of surprise. I had never told him no when it came to getting a duel in exchange. Before he could object I told him "If that's all you want I'm going back." As I slowed my pace.

"Well, you're shit out of luck huh Askeladd." I heard Bjorn say. Askeladd replying with "Shut the fuck up Bjorn."

I Want to be Kind [-Thorfinn X Reader-] [Vinland Saga]Where stories live. Discover now