Fight to the Death

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"I see him! He's still alive!" Thorfinn called out as we raced toward the battlefield. My father was currently bleeding out in the snow, several arrows jutting out from his legs. Thorkell and his men had made it to the scene, and were currently fighting all of our men. "Looks like Torgrim's plan fell through, Thorkells not allowing them to just surrender!" I yell back.

I kicked at the horse underneath me as we got closer to the warring men, urging the beast to go faster. Me and Thorfinn together yelling out our own battle cries as we charged through the bodies. Trampling men underneath the hooves of our horses, I charged at Thorkell who stood in front of my father. "Oh! Thorfinn and his woman!" He exclaimed in delight before pulling back his large arm and punching my horse square in the chest.

The horse flies back from the impact, flinging my body from its back. I spin in midair just in time to not land on my head, instead falling on my ass. "(Y/N!)" Thorfinn screamed, rearing his horse back, stopping the beast in its tracks.

"Oh so that's your name, little miss!" Thorkell said as he stepped around my horse that was currently dry heaving on the ground. Thorfinn dismounting his horse within seconds and running to get in front of me, daggers in each of his hands stopping Thorkell in his tracks. "Thorfinn! You look well!" He said with glee, raising his arms as if he wanted to give the boy a hug.

"Don't you dare take another step forward you bastard!" He screeched, causing Thorkell to lose his smile. "So harsh to me, I just wanted to meet your lady friend." Thorkell pouted.

I stood up slowly, aching from the fall as I got to my legs. "Father are you alright!" I shouted, ignoring the two men squabbling in front of me. "I'm fine little dove, I won't die from this." He reassured me. Feeling the weight of anxiety lifting off of my chest I let out a heady sigh. "Hand over Askeladd to us Thorkell!" I demanded, regaining my posture.

"And what will you two do if I don't?" He queried, cocking his head to the side. "Then I'll have to kill you!" I answer while grabbing my bow off my back. "Really!" He said excitedly, practically bouncing with glee. "Then in that case I refuse!"

Thorfinns body stiffened at Thorkells words, whipping his head around to face me "You can't fight him, you'll die!" He cried out. "I won't let him kill my father." I replied shakily. Appearing calm on the outside, but on the inside I was freaking out at the thought of taking on this man. Thorfinn gritted his teeth before turning back to Thorkell. "I'll fight too! I won't allow you to harm either of them!" He said.

"Hear that men! Thorfinn and (Y/N) are gonna duel with me over Askeladds head! And you're all gonna be our witnesses!" Thorkell yelled to his men excitedly, the Vikings letting out a yell of excitement that matched their leaders.

"Why would you help me?" I ask Thorfinn. "Because he's my prey." He said before looking me in the eyes "And because I'll die before anyone harms you." He vows to me. His eyes flickering down to my lips then back to my eyes. That's when he leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on my lips. His hand reaching out and caressing the side of my face as he deepened the kiss. I felt my heart hitch at the feel of his lips finally against mine. His blonde locks tickling my face, I moved my lips with his. It was sweet and gentle, something he wasn't known for, and I was completely in love with the feeling. He pulls back way too soon for my liking, his hand still on my cheek with his thumb rubbing against my skin he stares at me.

"That's in case I die." He said quietly as a smirk laced his lips. I felt my face flush red with heat. 'Oh Gods I just had my first kiss! Why did it have to be right before we battled to the death?!' I cursed the Gods for the shitty timing. Thorfinn looked over my beet red face before mumbling "Cute." Quietly and turning his attention back to Thorkell. "Oooooooh you two are so full of passion I love it!" He squealed like a teenage girl.

"Shut up you weirdo!" Thorfinn hissed at him, completely losing his gentleness that he had with me as soon as his attention was on Thorkell again. Peeking over at my father behind Thorkell I saw that he had narrowed eyes on the two of us, a look of disappointment marring his face.

"Well then are you two ready now that you're done?" Thorkell asked, stretching his arms "Don't expect a repeat of London." Thorfinn yelled before he raced forward, arms crossed with his daggers in front. Thorkell grinned and charged forward as well, taking one of his axes and swinging at the boy but Thorfinn dodged underneath and slices at the other mans side.

I grabbed for my bow, taking aim at the man's stomach and releasing the string of my bow. "Shit!" He cursed as he dodged out of the way at the last second, my arrow barely nicking his leg. "He's wearing chain mail!" Thorfinn hollered to me. I glance at his dagger that had swiped at Thorkells side and see that no blood marked it.

"You both have balls!" Thorkell laughed, pointing at Thorfinn. "Especially you! You do not fear my axe do you! Must've gotten that bravery from Thors!"

I cock my head wondering how Thorkell would know of Thorfinns father. Thorfinn must be wondering the same as he asks "How do you know my father?"

Thorkell frowns in confusion "Did he really not tell you anything? That's so cold! But I'll only tell you if you both give me a good time."

"Fine then I'll humor you. (Y/N), let's try to hold back so that he can still speak." He ordered me and I gave a nod, I was curious to hear what Thorkell had to say as well.

Thorfinn goes in for the attack again, dodging and dancing around Thorkells axes. Me shooting as soon as Thorfinn jumps back from the fight, together we get a few good wounds on him but nothing that would ultimately stop the man. Every time Thorkell tries to make his way to me Thorfinns comes in to distract him from me again.

We keep this up for awhile, a huge crowd of Thorkell's men surrounding us cheering in excitement wanting to see their boss take us down. Thorkell suddenly takes his axe and uses it to kick up the snow and spray it at Thorfinn.
Thorfinn covers his head with his arms, and in that moment of distraction Thorkell charges at me and takes a swing at my head but I dodge in the nick of time.

That's when I see his foot coming at me, I jump up at the last second as to not get hit by the force of his kick and my feet land on his leg as he kicks sending me flying into the air for the third time that day.
"Fuck." I grit out, bracing for impact just before my body falls back to the ground and crashes through a tree. The branches scrapping at my body as I fell through them until finally I landed on the hard ground.

I hear men yelling and Thorfinn screaming in panic as my sight starts to fog. Staring up into the clouds, I groan, wanting to push myself up, wanting to get back to the fight. But I couldn't lift a muscle, not even my head as darkness overtook me. The last voice I hear is Thorfinn yelling my name as I close my eyes.

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