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"Thorgil! Welcome back." A man yelled out as we docked our ship. "Thanks, here's a gift." Thorgil answered before tossing a barrel down the dock at the men. The wood breaking open to reveal Ketil curled up in the fetal position. "What! master Ketil?" The man asked in confusion as Thorgil sauntered by them. "Have him drink some ale and put him to bed."

"Hey Thorgil! Where do you think you're going? You need to do your part of the deal!" I yelled from the boat. Itching to run off and find the blonde myself, eager to finally see my lover again. "Discuss that with my father, I'm busy." He said without even looking back at me, completely not even caring about the fact he promised me Thorfinn. "Mother fucker." I growl, ready to jump off this ship and beat the man for ignoring my request when Lief placed a calming hand on my shoulder.

"Calm down, we don't even know if it's him yet. No point in attacking our hosts (Y/N)." He calmed me down only by a small amount. I place my hand atop of his and give him a curt nod "I know, I'm just scared it's not him. I need to find out as soon as possible." I told him as I searched over the land, as if he would pop up suddenly over the horizon. A feeling of excitement mixed with anxiety had swirled together in the pit of my stomach, urging me to find Thorfinn as soon as possible.

"I understand I feel the same way. But we must be civil about how we retrieve him, we can't just walk in and steal him away, not until Ketil has given the word that Thorfinn is to be free." He reminds me. I send a glance over to the sulking form of the man who held Thorfinns life in the palm of his hands and frowned. "If he can stand up." I respond as I walk off the deck, heading straight to the man, some of his workers already standing over him in concern.

"Get your ass up, you owe us a man." I ordered him, squatting down beside his body. He simply ignores me, looking dead in the face with blank eyes. "Arnheid.." he mumbled to himself. "Who?" I ask dumbfounded. "Arnheid, where are you my beloved Arnheid!" He called out as he stood up, stumbling forward and walking off. "What?" I say mostly to myself as I watch the man walk away as if in a trance. All I wanted was my man and everyone was making this more difficult than it needed to be.

I'm about ready to raise hell, the last of my patience wearing away when I see Omar slinking off out of the corner of my eye. I round on him instantly "You're not going anywhere! if your brother and father aren't going to help me then you're picking up their slack tough guy!" He raised his hands up as a show of submission as he said. "Okay okay, sheesh crazy lady I'll help you... And my name is Omar, not tough guy." he said, mumbling the last part out.

"Don't care, get me Thorfinn." I ordered with finality in my voice. He nods and leads the way, taking me and Lief along with his son Bug-eyes further into the farm. Stopping at a farmhand's home to ask where Thorfinn could be on the farm. "I'm sorry but he will be at the barracks. Snake has him and Einar under watch for trying to escape with another slave. They're awaiting master Ketils punishment for now." a Farmhand in charge of the slave said to us, his name was Patil. "Sorry but he won't be receiving any punishment. Omar, you can get him out of this, correct?" I asked the man. "Yes, I believe they will listen to me since I am the young master." He responded to me, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

"Then let's not waste time. take me there now." I ordered him yet again. Him and Patil led me to the barracks. It sat at the edge of a cliff by the sea, high wooden walls surrounding the buildings inside of the encampment a man standing guard at the gate.

With a word from Omar the man stepped aside, allowing us to pass through. I sat there terrified that once I passed through the gate I wouldn't see my Thorfinn. My lover whom I Thought had died all those years ago. I would see a man who I had never met before, a stranger that I had left fought so hard to meet. My feet felt like they were encased with lead, stopping me from taking another step forward. A hand takes hold of my own, snapping me out of my thoughts. Looking over I see that Lief had taken hold of my hand "It'll be him." He promised, like he had been reading my thoughts, that he knew exactly how to ease my fears. Biting my lip I nod shaken before finally walking through the gates.

Slowly my eyes ran over the encampment. Tied to a pole I saw him. He looked so different, yet I could already tell that he was my love even with the distance between us. He had a short trimmed beard that made him look so much older, along with long tied back hair that looked as if he hadn't cut it since I last saw him alive. His eyes met mine and I heard a hitched cry leave my body as relief flooded my system. taking a shaky step forward hesitantly before I ran forward to him with long hasty steps, coming to a sliding stop in front of him. His arms were tied behind him, his face held longing, surprise, shock and love in it.

Both of us stayed silent, staring at each other. my hands are going to hold his face, when I stop myself, as if touching him would make this dream end, make him disappear again. "(Y/N).." He whispered in disbelief. It broke me. Tears streamed down my face, taking a sharp breath as I tentatively touched his cheek with my palm. "Thorfinn." I cried.

I hadn't even realized that the guard at the gate had come up, a knife in his hand he had cut Thorfinn's bonds. Until he rushed forward, enveloping me in a hard hug, crushing my body against his. Pulling back only to give me a rushed kiss that I eagerly returned, his beard scruffing against my skin. When he broke the kiss he looked over my face, looking at me as if he would never see me again. "I thought you died.. I'm so sorry I gave up on you." I cried out, shoulders shaking as I let my emotions out. Tears streaming down his own cheeks he shushed me quietly. "It's fine, I'm here now.. I've missed you so much." he whispered to me as he kissed my tears away. I wrap my arms around him, he holds me comfortingly, our bodies as close as possible to each other. Ignoring the world around us, as if the only thing that mattered in this world was us in this moment.

Until Thorfinn was ripped away from me.

Frantically I grabbed for him as a man with black hair yelled out "Who said Thorfinn was allowed to be set free?" He ordered harshly. My instincts taking over as I grab for Thorfinns dagger, unsheathing It I wanted to kill this man who had dared to pull him away from me. Taking the dagger I swung upward at the man, catching him by surprise he let go of Thorfinn jumping back from my attack.

I went to Thorfinns side, the dagger pointed at the man who had pulled us apart. "Don't fuck with us." I hissed.

I Want to be Kind [-Thorfinn X Reader-] [Vinland Saga]Where stories live. Discover now