Giant in London

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It has been many years since the first time I ever met a boy called Thorfinn, he and I have aged and grown alongside each other. Me into a young woman and he into a young man, both of us are currently around twenty years or so old. Though I had no idea how he had stayed alive till now.

While I had my father to teach me and train me in the ways of a warrior. Thorfinn had trained on his own, opting to practice with buckets he would tie to tree branches instead of me and Askeladd. Though I would often ask him if he wanted to train alongside me in the earlier years as a way to be friendly, he would usually scoff at the idea and refuse the invitation.

I understand he hates us, I grew up watching my father and his men pillage villages and rape women. I was desensitized to the horrors of war from before I could even remember. I guess that's what happens when your mother and father are vikings. Though I never met my mother, she had bled out after giving birth to me.

Supposedly she had been a strong woman, a warrior to rival my father. But I suppose being strong on the battlefield is much different than being strong in the birthing bed. She had been a beautiful woman with (H/C) locks and (E/C) eyes. Askeladd says I am the spitting image of her.

Hearing commotion above me on deck I knew we were at our destination. A small trading town in England where king Sweyn was currently invading. Father had decided it would be beneficial to take part in the war between the Danish and the English. Most likely just to use the war as an excuse to pillage villages farther into England's territory instead of the ones on the coastline. As we and many other Vikings have already terrorized the coasts of England for so long, that there wasn't much to loot anymore.

As I made my way up to the deck I wondered if Askeladd would ask Thorfinn for a crazy feat like always. In exchange for a man's head he would allow him to duel, but would always end up kicking the scruffy blonde's ass.

"Are we finally here?" I asked Bjorn as I walked up to the front of the ship. "Good to see you're finally up and awake" He teased before pointing at a bridge in the distance "That's the Bridge of London town. We need to take it over in order to take control of this port." He explained to me.

I squinted my eyes "Is someone throwing tree trunks..?" I asked in shock as I saw a large burly man tossing logs at ships that were trying to get closer to the bridge.

"Yup, and we need to take him out." Askeladd said, coming up beside me. "His name is Thorkell and he's the pain in king Sweyns ass right now."

"So what's your plan then Chief" Bjorn asked my father "It's almost impossible to get close enough thanks to that giant fucker, there's no way our men can make it onto the bridge"

With a smirk Askeladd answered "Not really a plan I have, just a person" He answered before yelling out "Thorfinn, go get me Thorkells head" Of course his plan was to have him take care of it. Which reminded me, where was the shortie?

"I need a reward for that" I heard above us, causing me to look up. Thorfinn was currently sat upon the yard of the ship, his back against the mast. He was relaxed with a foot dangling down as he sharpened his beloved dagger.

"Of course, The usual, right? Don't you ever want anything more than that" Askeladd teased, causing Thorfinn to throw his dagger at the man's feet. "Don't get too cocky and think we're buddies just cause I stick around. I'm only after your head" He threatened.

"Wait. you can't send Thorfinn after that man!" I interjected "There's no way he can come back alive from a fight with that beast. I mean look at him, he's a giant and Thorfinn is barely as tall as me!" I didn't feel good at the idea of sending him in. In the past it was men of a normal size and strength that Askeladd sent the boy after, but this man could throw whole trees at ships. There was no way he would make it out alive.

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