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I wake up to Thorfinns broad chest. Memories of last night come rushing back to me causing me to blush at the profane acts we did. I was so used to how he was normally gentle when with me, I had completely expected him to be the same in bed. But nope I was so wrong, he turned into a needy beast once he had me.

His body shifts and I look up to see him looking down at me. "Good morning sleeping beauty. Did you have a good rest?" He asked, kissing me on the top of my head. 'Good he's back to loving Thorfinn' I think cuddling into his embrace. We lay there for awhile, enjoying the feeling of waking up to each other after a long night. "It's so much better when you don't leave right before I wake up." I hum happily.

He chuckles as his hand rubs up and down my back in long soothing strokes. "I've always wanted to stay, but I wasn't about to get caught sleeping with you by your father." I shudder at the thought. Askeladd had never killed Thorfinn before as he was useful, but I don't think he would keep him around much longer if he found out me and Thorfinn were shacking up.

"Ya that wouldn't be good." I say as Thorfinn pulls away from me. He climbs out of bed and goes to pick up his clothes that were still besides the tub. Cheekily I watch him as he walks around butt naked, mentally cursing him as he put on his clothes. I wondered if that made me a pervert.

I move to get up from the bed and find that my body hurt like hell. I pull back the blanket and see that I was covered in bite marks and hickeys. Bruising popping up around my hips where he had manhandled me. "Look what you did to me!" I freak wondering how long it would take for the marks to go away. I go to run to a mirror to check if my neck had any marks as I remember him especially paying attention to that area, when a sharp pain runs from my hips up my back.

"Gods be damned!" I groan falling onto my back again. Thorfinns watching me with a look of amusement which earns him a sharp glare from me "Think this is funny huh?" I hiss.

"A little bit. I'll have to make sure to let you stretch a little and prepare those muscles next time I decide to have my way with you." He teases. "Ya and don't forget to not leave love marks all over my body as well." I grumble, looking over my skin. "No, I like leaving them. It's not like anyone will get to see them anyways with you covered up." He replies nonchalantly as he finishes up getting dressed. "Don't worry, there's none on your neck. I wasn't that crazy to leave them there for anyone to see." He reassured me. Making me relax a bit.

"I'll be right back I'm getting a tavern maiden to get some water soooo." He looks at my naked body. "Might wanna cover up unless you want her to see what I've done." I blush at his words before he leaves.

I grab the covers and pull them over my body when he comes back with a woman who has a steaming bucket of water, him carrying the another bucket. He pours his into the tub before taking hers and doing the same. She leaves quickly before coming back with another bottle of bathing oil and a fresh towel.

Once she's finally done Thorfinn comes over to the bed, rips the covers off of me before picking me up bridle style. "I can get to the tub myself.. just give me a few minutes." I protest but he just shakes his head. "You're all sore, I'd rather help you out. It's the least I can do after last night."

He carries me to the tub, gently setting me down into the water. I moan at the warmth of it, completely forgetting how my muscles ached. "Are you getting in?" I ask him as I sink deeper into the water. He shakes his head "I'll wash later, I don't think I could leave you alone if I got in." He explains to me as he pours the oil into his hand. "For now I'll just pamper you." He adds as he starts to rub the oil into my hair.

I allow him to wash my hair without protest, it felt nice to have him look after me.
Once I'm done washing up he hops into the tub and cleans his own body while I dry off and dress myself. My sore muscles feeling much batter thanks to the hot soak.

I wanted to spend the rest of the day with him in this room, but we knew it would be best to get back to reality and prepare for the voyage to York today.


It takes a few days of travel to arrive in York. Me and Thorfinn sneaking off to a quiet place every once and awhile to spend time together without prying eyes. But with how cramped the ship was, we could only earn around ten minutes at max. Not enough time for any sexual activities, but enough to to hold each other and whisper sweet nothings into one another's ears. Along with a few make out sessions.

The drums announcing our arrival thrummed through my body. I was currently standing besides a disguised Canute. He had expected an assassination attempted by his father once we reached port. Dressing up a slave woman with long blonde hair to take his place on the the ship in the lead.

I anxiously watch the crowd gathering in the harbor as they watched the ships pass by. I knew Thorfinn was among them in search of the assassin. He had been ordered onto a smaller faster ship the night before in order to make it to York before us.

Suddenly I saw a man adorned in a dark cloak with a crossbow step out of the crowd. Raising his weapon he shot the slave woman disguised as the prince as few ships ahead of us. "He's been shot! The prince as been shot! Find and seize the brigand!" My father shouted out from my side alarming the troops. The man who shot down the slave running off into the crowd.

Our ships port at the harbor and the men tend to the slaved woman whom they believed to be the prince, only to be surprised when they saw her breasts once they cut open her shirt. "(Y/N) go help out Thorfinn find that assassin." Canute tells me as he steps off the ship.

I give a curt nod before running off in search of the shaggy blonde.

I run in the direction where I had seen the assassin run off. After a few minutes I hear a commotion, figuring it had to be the two men fighting I run toward it.

Pushing through a crowd I see Thorfinn kick the man in the face causing him to fall down a hill. His body slamming down face first into the dock along the harbor. Thorfinn quickly follows after and jumps onto the mans back, stabbing him in the spine the man lets out a hoarse scream of agony before dying.

"Thorfinn!" I call out still at the top of the hill. He looks up at me, his expression of annoyance softening once his eyes land on me. "Good job on killing him!" I praise him as I run down the hill, jumping down onto the dock besides him.

"You two! Yes you there! What is the meaning of this!" A man calls out. "You must have been the princes assailants! Seize those miserable rebels." He yells as a few guards rush forward surrounding us. "What? It wasn't me it was him. He has the exact weapon used on the prince." Thorfinn says in annoyance as the man approaches us.

"A likely story! You two think you can pin your deed on him and escape justice." He exclaims getting in our faces. "He told you it wasn't us." I grit out, annoyed this man was getting in our business. "Ya right, he's got the face of a wicked man anyone would agree!" The man says pointing his finger in Thorfinns face.

Thorfinn snaps, punching the man hard in the face he knocks I'm out instantly. "How dare you-!" On of the guards says raising his sword when another cuts him off. "Wait wait! Are you.. Thorfinn Karlsefni?" He asks Thorfinn after inspecting him. "What kind of surname is that? 'The makings of a man' that's a pretty vain name." I say looking over at him. "I didn't make it up, someone else must've named me that." He mumbled back to me, just as confused by the surname.

"Wait! Pardon me stop!" An old man yells out pushing aside the guard in front of him. "Are you.. from Iceland? Is your name Thorfinn son of Thors?" He asks coming to stop in front of us.

Thorfinn stares at the man intently, taking a moment before realization dawns on his face. "Mister Leif..?" He whispers.

I watch as the old man runs forward and embraces Thorfinn. Tears running down his face as he holds the man close.
"You're alive thank God."

I Want to be Kind [-Thorfinn X Reader-] [Vinland Saga]Where stories live. Discover now