My Happy Ending

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When me and Thorfinn finally were able to leave one another's embrace after his proposal we headed back to his family home to a celebration. Turns out the reason he had me out of the house all day wasn't just so he could get a nice haircut, it was also because he was preparing the house with his sister and mother to celebrate. The smell of roasted lamb with herbs scented the air as we approached the door. Opening it I had been shocked to see his family along with Einar, Lief, and Bug-Eyes in the front room. Each with with a cup full of mead, minus the children of course. And a spread of food laid out on a table.

It wasn't anything grand, yet it made my heart swell at the sight of all of them. Einar approached us with a mug of mead in each hand, a big goofy smile spread across his face. "Congratulations you two!" He said handing me and Thorfinn a mug, "How do you know I accepted?" I ask teasingly and Einar stutters "W-well I would hope you accepted.. did you accept?" He says the last part in a low concerned voice, causing me to chuckle in amusement as Thorfinn shook his head at my joke. "Yes she did, if she had said no I would probably be off sulking somewhere." He reassured his friend who lets out a sigh of relief.

"Thank God!" He sighs out before grabbing me in a hug. "Since Thorfinn is my sworn brother that makes you my sister." He tells me with a smile. I hug the man back "Guess I gained some new family huh." I chuckle as he draws back from me before going in to hug Thorfinn as well. Telling him "I'm happy for you." Reminding me of the bond the two share with one another, happy that something good came out of those three years.

"Gods Einar make some room the rest of us want to congratulate the happy couple." Ylva complained before pulling me further into the house away from Thorfinn and Einar. "If he ever treats you bad, you come to me. You've seen how strong I am I'll beat his ass for you." She promises, and I'm positive she meant every word. "I don't think he'd ever lay a hand on me, but thank you, I really appreciate it." I reassured her. "Oh I didn't mean he'd hurt you like that, I meant if he makes you cry." She said with a smirk and I snort in amusement. Helga comes up to me and wraps me in a motherly hug "Welcome to the family darling, not only was I given back my son, I was given another daughter. The Gods must be smiling down on me lately." She hums wistfully. I hug the woman back, wondering if this is how it would've felt like to hug my own mother. It was nice, and I didn't want to let go when she pulled away from me.

We drank until we ran out of mead, and then Ylva pulled out another barrel out of storage and said to keep the festivities going. All the while yelling at her three children it's time for bed. We feasted on bread, steamed vegetables and roasted lamb until our bellies ached. And by the end of the night we were practically sure we wouldn't need to eat for another month after eating so much. Through it all I felt a happiness I hadn't felt in a long time, having a family after watching everyone I ever loved be taken away from me. Thorfinn hadn't just given me his love and adoration, he had given me a family who cherished me and I cherished them.

That night I laid down with Thorfinn in a spare bed, him holding me, whispering about how much he loved me. Our legs entwined with one another, chests pressed up against each other. My fingers combing through his hair as we studied each other's faces as if it was the first time we've ever met.

After that night me and Thorfinn explained our story to his family, each of them shocked and horrified by the horrors we were subjected to as child Vikings. A part of me was terrified that Helga and Ylva would reject me after knowing of my heritage, yet when we were done Helga crushed me in a hug. Saying that my father never deserved me, that he had no right to raise me under such horrible conditions. Ylva agreeing with her, saying he was a bastard for trying to force me into marriage. And I agreed with them for the most part, my father was never a good man. Yet he was my father, and he loved me in his own messed up way, I would always love him even with all of his sins.

I Want to be Kind [-Thorfinn X Reader-] [Vinland Saga]Where stories live. Discover now