The Last Duel

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I spent the night walking back and forth before the fireplace in my room, or well my fathers room. He never came back during the night. I was terrified as to what he could possibly be doing. Would he kill Thorfinn? That thought alone made me worse. I wished to leave the room but there was nowhere to leave, not even a window to crawl out of. Instead I spent the night think of different scenarios as to what could be happening at that moment instead of sleeping.

At dawn my the lock to the room clicked open as my father opened the door. "Come on." He said. It seemed as if his anger had disappeared during the time he had locked me in here. I followed him without a sound, the sun had barely risen as he led me outside. I wondered as to where we were going when he headed off outside of the town of York. Following for about ten to twenty minutes until I saw Thorfinn, along with Thorkell and prince Canute in the distance all waiting together.

My heart sinking as to what this could be as we neared them all. I look to Thorfinn but he simply looks away as my father lead me to stand besides Thorkell and the prince before he and Thorfinn walked a few feet away. "We are here to bare witness to a duel between Askeladd and Thorfinn. You two may begin when ready." Canute announced loudly, a bored expression on his face. 'A duel? Wait what's going on.' I thought to myself as my brows furrowed.

"Come on Thorfinn. You've been waiting on a duel for awhile now haven't you?" My father asked, sword on his shoulder. Thorfinn seemed to be hesitating on starting the fight, peeking over to me for a quick second.

"What's going on?" I asked Canute as I watched. "Oh, last night Askeladd came to all of us wanting a duel with Thorfinn. He wouldn't say why he suddenly wanted to, but Thorfinn accepted. I mean that's all he's ever wanted. I guess Askeladd finally had some free time to fight." He explained.

My father threw his sword to the side. "Here I'll even make it easier on you." He taunted. "I don't need a sword to fight you, now come on." He practically growled out. Thorfinn taking the bait ran at him, his fathers dagger raised in his hand. Askeladd gabbing both of his forearms, stopping him completely. "See you just don't get it. You don't know when to quit." My father said before pulling back and head butting Thorfinn hard in the head.

I gasp at the sight, blood falling from Thorfinns nose as he fell back. He quickly jumped back onto his legs when Askeladd grabbed his shoulder with one arm and pulled his other arm back and punched him in the abdomen.

"This isn't much of a fight. It seems that Askeladd knows all of Thorfinns moves." Thorkell observed. "How many times have they fought in the past?" He asked me. "Too many to count." I reply, my voice heavy with worry. The prince glancing over at me with a frown on his face before turning his attention back to the fight at hand.

"You know I found out something interesting recently." My father said from above where Thorfinn was trying to catch his breath after getting punched in the gut once again. "I found out that you and my daughter have been fucking around." He hissed, pulling back his leg and kicking him in the side of his stomach.

I watched in horror from the side as he cried out in pain. 'He won't kill him. He won't kill him.' I think frantically, trying to calm myself as I watched the duel. "But has she told you that she's already agreed to marrying the prince?" Askeladd said, lying right through his teeth making my blood freeze. Thorfinn looks over to me a look of utter betrayal on his face. I go to yell, to tell him that it's all a big lie, that I never wanted to marry Canute. But my father punched the man in the face, Thorfinn not even noticing that the man has been about to attack him as he seemed so full of shock and despair at the news.

"I think it's been long enough that I've let you live." My father says grabbing his sword. pure hostility in his eyes as he stared down at Thorfinn. "Wait no!" I cry out running forward, I couldn't allow this to happen, this was supposed to be a normal duel, he was supposed to let him live!

"Stop!" Canute demands as he rushed forward behind me. I slide to a stop besides Thorfinn, my father staring me down with disappointment and fury written on his face. His sword lifted above us. "I ordered you to stop! I won't allow you to kill him!" Canute barked from Askeladds side.

Askeladd ignoring the prince stared me down for what seemed like hours. Me looking right back at him with desperation in my eyes, silently pleading for him to spare Thorfinns life. He lets out a sigh, sheathing his sword. "If you pull something like this again. I will kill him." He promised me.

I clench my jaws, forcing myself to nod in agreement. "I won't." I promised. He nods slowly, searching my face for any hint of a lie. "Then, let's head back and get ready for the banquet shall we." He says, practically ordering me to return back to town and not stay with Thorfinn a moment longer. I comply silently, getting up I take a peek at Thorfinn as he laid there barely conscious from his beating.

He looked at me with an expression I couldn't quite understand. Betrayal, shock, anguish, and longing all seemed to be written on his face. I wanted to tell him I was sorry, that I wasn't going to marry anyone but him. That what my father had said was all a lie. But I wasn't about to in front of Askeladd, I was too petrified he would kill the man I loved.

I turned away from him, unable to look at him a second longer. the prince staying by his side as he tries to get Thorfinn to sit up and stay conscious.

I walk after my father. The cold chilly morning making my blood freeze. I wondered if this would be the last time I would see him.

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