Set Sail

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Sitting at my bed as I wait for the moon to rise high in the night sky. Thinking through how I would need to succeed in my plans of escape. Obviously Lief would be more than happy to help me get to Ketils farm, but I still had the problem of finding him during the night. 'I'll have to check all of the inns, or at least stick around the harbor until daybreak. But I'm sure the moment I'm found out the guards will instantly check the docks.' I think to myself with a sigh. Hoping nobody had the foresight to check on me until morning.

The last time someone came by to check on me was for supper when a maid came by to leave me some food. Canute hadn't even appeared since he had a guard escort me to my room. Prick thinks he can keep me locked up till our wedding day I bet. Too bad for him, even if this isn't Thorfinn I most likely won't want to come back after this stunt, I'm sick and tired of these men who want to keep me locked down.

Peeking outside I see the moon has risen to the highest point in the sky. Grabbing my bow and slinging it over my shoulder, along with a satchel full of gear. Standing before the window I slid it open, noting that no one stood guard nearby on the other side. I crawl my way through the window before sliding it back shut. Looking around for anyone nearby I moved in the shadows as I made my way toward the wall surrounding the manor.

Great thing I had worked as a bodyguard for the past three years because I made a habit of noting and learning the guards' habits, such as when they were likely to change shifts and prowl the grounds for intruders. Making it much easier to avoid any guards that could come across my path as I knew their routes, and where I could hide out of their sight.

Once to the wall I measured the height of it. Grabbing three arrows from my quiver I gripped them in my hand, unsheathing Thorfinns dagger with the other. Shoving the arrows into the wood I tested my weight on them before reaching up and stabbing the wall with the dagger in my other hand. Climbing the wall quickly and as quietly as possible before coming to the lip of it, I checked over the side to see that a man stood guard a few feet away at the top.

Gritting my teeth I looked left and right, seeing no guard would notice him get his throat slit as they were stationed few and far between along the wall. Pulling myself up onto the wall I snuck up behind the man, Thorfinns dagger in my hand, ready to reach around him and slit open his throat and kick his body over the edge into the bushes below. When I heard a soft snooze. Frowning I stayed still as I listened, this man was snoring.

Edging around his body I saw his eyes closed. 'How in the nine realms is he asleep when he's standing up?' I think to myself in astonishment, huffing a soft laugh. For once someone being lazy had saved their life. Looking down at Thorfinns dagger, I grip it tightly before sheathing the item.

Bracing myself I jumped from the wall, landing with a soft thud on the ground below. Releasing a breath I stood up and quickly headed out into the night, expecting not to see this manor again.


I hid at the docks, thankfully no one has noticed my disappearance at Canutes manor because I haven't seen any guards on alert searching the streets. Not exactly wanting to chance things by checking out the inns in case a guard may notice me amongst the tavern goers. Instead I hung out around the docks, waiting to see if Lief would show up in the morning. I hope he hadn't already left to go back to Greenland, if so it could jeopardize my mission, needing to find another ship willing to stow me away.

But my fears were for nothing because as the sun rose higher into the sky Lief showed up with his adopted son Bug-eyes and two other sailors.

Standing up from where I sat besides some crates I watched them head to their ship before approaching. "Mister Lief." I say grabbing their attention as they turn around to see me. "(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" Lief asked. "I was wondering if you might take me to Ketils farm to check if that slave he was talking about is really Thorfinn." I say.

He immediately perks up at my words "oh really? I was hoping you would come along, we were planning on leaving tomorrow afternoon." He explained, waving off Bug-eyes and the two sailors. Telling them they could go ahead while he talks to me. "I don't think that's a very good idea, it would be much better to go today don't you think?" I offer, not exactly keen on telling him he would be stowing away the king's fiancé in case he declines to bring me along.

"No, we still need to get some trading done here in Jelling. I'm sure you can wait another day." He says "If you would like to help you could always accompany us." I'm about to decline when three men quickly approached us, three men I had just seen the day before in Canutes throne room.

Seeing Thorgil with blood splattered on him I move to stand in front of Lief, my hand instantly going for Thorfinns dagger. "Lief you must get us out of Jelling right now." Ketil pleaded with the old man. Lief sputtering in surprise at the sight of them. Thorgil covered with another man's blood, then Omar and Ketil both ragged and breathed harshly. "I'm sorry but what? What happened to you? Don't you have your own ship to use?" Lief said, concern written on his face.

"Who's blood is that?" I say interrupting Ketil as he opened his mouth to answer Liefs onslaught of questions. "We got into a duel with some of the king's messengers. Least to say they didn't walk away after disrespecting us." Thorgil says with a sadistic smile. "So you want to escape the king's wrath after killing his men over something so petty as honor." I say with a glare at the man.

He shrugged in response as if it was obviously the only correct response to disrespect. "Well it just so happens we were planning on giving your farm a visit." Looking to Lief I added "But it's up to him whether or not we will take you."

Lief stays quiet, looking between each man before grinning "Only if you are willing to give up the slave named Thorfinn. If not, I can't help you men." Lief said. I grin as well, it hadn't even occurred to me that we could use this to our advantage of freeing Thorfinn.

Without hesitation Ketil said it was a deal. We then quickly proceeded to get onto Liefs ship, hiding Ketil and his sons in various barrels. As we set sail I smiled as the sea wind hit my face and whipped through my hair. My chest filled with excitement at the thought of possibly meeting my long lost lover again.

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