Goodbye Bjorn

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-Your POV-

Groggily I wake up to find Thorfinn gone from my bed. All of the memories from the night before coming back to me. I can't help but smile and giggle to myself, kicking out my legs in excitement as I acted like a love struck girl. Which I was, but that's besides the point.

I sit up in bed, the covers falling and revealing my naked body, the only thing still on me was my undies. Hoping out of bed I quickly grab my shirt and pants from where we had thrown them off to the side, and toss them onto my body. My excitement overwhelming, I was officially Thorfinns lover, and I was finally allowed outside of my room.

Without waiting on anyone to come and tell me I had to stay here for another day I walked out of my room to run straight into my fathers chest. "Woah there, you're eager to be out an about." He says as I step back. "Well ya, you would be too if you had to lay around and wait for ribs to heal for so long." I snap back, still holding a little grudge because they made me rest for so long.

"Where are the guards you put out here?" I question seeing no one but my father around. "I already let them leave their station this morning since you're all healed." He informs me. 'Well if they had heard me and Thorfinn last night they probably would've told my father and I'd be getting yelled at right now' I think to myself cheekily, trying not to grin that I hadn't gotten caught.

"Ah okay. Anyways where's Bjorn at? I haven't seen him since the battle!" I ask excitedly and my father frowns sullenly. "He's not doing too well at the moment. We didn't want to alarm you while you were resting but his wounds haven't been healing correctly. It seems a few days ago that the wound has become infected." He tells me slowly. My smile dropped at his words. "Where is he?" I ask again and my father silently leads the way to where Bjorn was. In another inn not as glamorous as mine, he was stuck in a back room.

Opening the door the smell of sickness invaded my senses. At the door opening Bjorn opens his eyes and looks over at us from where he laid. His face showed clear signs of pain and agony, deep bags underneath his eyes. "Heya brat." He says weakly, giving me a forced smile. I wanted to speak but it felt like there was a lump in my throat holding me back. I've seen this happen too many times while out at sea, we would raid a village, bring our wounded back to the ship where they would slowly die in misery.

An infected wound almost always meant death was to come soon. Rage fills me with the thought that they kept this from me. If my ribs were still broken would they have kept this from me up till the last minute? Would he have died without me knowing? I walk to his bedside, my father coming in after me and closing the door. "Heya.. Bjorn." I responded quietly as I kneeled down beside him.

"I don't look so good do I?" He said with a small chuckle. Trying to keep up the appearance that he was fine. Tears prick at my eyes, if I hadn't gone after my father Bjorn wouldn't have been hurt like this. "I'm sorry." I choke out.

"Don't say that." He said, reaching out and ruffling my hair. "The Gods have deemed it my time. I'll be with Odin in Valhalla soon." My brows scrunch together at his worlds. How would he go there without dying in battle, surely he would only go to Helheim if he died from infection. Seeing my confused expression he explains "Your father has agreed to a duel to the death. He'll allow me to make it into Valhalla."

I look to my father, eyes widening when he gives a curt nod, letting me know that what he was saying was true. "When is this happening?" I ask them. "Tonight at dusk. We will duel on a hill near here." My father informs me. Glancing at Bjorn's sickly form before adding. "It's probably best you don't be there." He says with sympathy.

Bjorn had been just as much a father figure as my own father. Always has he been there with us no matter what we've gone through. I knew that neither of them would want me to witness his last moments alive, being a weakened man flailing his sword about only to be cut down by the other.

"Don't worry brat. Your father will make sure it's quick and painless." He reassured me, bringing my attention back to him. The dam behind my eyes braking and releasing the tears I was so desperately trying to hold back.
"But I don't want you to die." I cry out, wiping away the tears as they fall down my cheeks.

"It'll be okay." He smiles gently at me. "I don't want you to remember me like this, I want you to remember me as the strong man I was. The man who helped raise you, looked after you and taught you how to be a warrior. Don't remember this." He tells me and I lean over to hug him. He holds me for awhile as I cry out my tears. This was all my fault, I didn't deserve to be happy when Bjorn had been suffering all this time.

Me and Askeladd stayed with him the whole day. Most of it Bjorn was resting, constantly falling asleep. We wondered if he would even make it to dusk. But soon enough the sun began to set and he was still alive. He didn't allow either of us to help him up to his feet. Still too proud to accept any form of pity. "Take care, brat. I hope to see you at Odin's table someday." He said before reaching out and ruffing my hair and giving me a soft kiss on the forehead.

After that he left with my father.

I never saw him alive again.

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