Throne Room

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Soon after Bjorn's death we took off to Gainsborough where the king was currently stationed with his army of Jomsvikings. My arm healed in the time it took for us to get there.

Walking besides Thorfinn and my father we followed Thorkell and the prince as we walked through the town."We must not act yet. I have few allies among these soldiers. If I were to challenge the king I would be branded as a rebel. I will need time to make arrangements for more support." Canute explains to us.

"You're really going to talk about this out in the open?" I asked, a frown on my face. "It's safer this way. Here every wall has ears." He replies calmly before turning to Thorkell. "I want you to meet with the minority chieftains. Get along with them and see that you're in their favor." He ordered.

"Wait so I'm supposed to drink and party on your tab?!" Thorkell asked giddily. "Only with the other chieftains. Remember that part please." The prince replied with a sigh. "I knew it was the right call to join up with you!" Thorkell cheered before running his happy ass off to the nearest tavern.

"Askeladd I want you to come with me to meet the king. I want to know what you think of him. Also, what are your thoughts on how we should conduct affairs when it comes to overthrowing him." The prince asks my father. I'm listening intently to each word. I still couldn't believe that Canute wished to kill off his own father, I knew they didn't share any love for one another but it was still quite cold. But I supposed that was how it is when you spend time in the royal court. You'll do anything to gain power, to be honest it wasn't much different then how it is from how we gained power I suppose. Except most Vikings wouldn't be a kin slayer.

"Tactically the easiest way would be to assassinate the king. And since prince Harold is in Denmark at the moment you would have power over the troops here in England. But if we are to go that route we would need someone of high rank to blame the assassination on." Askeladd explains to the prince. Canute nods along, taking a moment to think about the possibility of assassinating his father the king.

Turning to Thorfinn he says "Thorfinn, from now on you will be asked to do other tasks besides protecting me. I entrust this responsibility to you."

"Excuse me? I don't remember agreeing to be your servant." Thorfinn scoffs "I don't guard you because I want to. I guard you because I get to duel this fucker." He said motioning to Askeladd. I shot a look at Thorfinn, I really needed to get him to learn some manners. "Forgive him your majesty, I'll make sure he follows your orders." Askeladd interjects.

The prince just smiles before turning to me "You'll also be guarding me still as well. I just won't ask you to do any extra jobs like I will for Thorfinn." He informs me and I give a nod. "No assassinating for me then. I understand."

We arrived at where the king was currently waiting for us. It was a large wooden building with two guards in full armor standing watch outside. Each of us walk in through the large double doors as a man announces the arrival of the prince. "It's great to see you have returned safely." The king says as we each bow to him, heads low.

"Thank you for your kind words." Canute replies. The king tells us to come closer and we obey. Lifting my head I see that we are in a large throne room, the king sitting on a throne at the far end. It was so dark and gloomy I could barely see the man's face. As Canute makes a step forward my father grabs his arm. "Wait. Thorfinn, (Y/N) have you noticed them too? The men hiding in the dark." He says quietly.

I nod, noticing the glint of nocked arrows up in the rafters. "There's about twenty men I can count so far." Thorfinn whispers, eyeing up the place. "It's an obvious ambush. He must be on to you Canute." I say quietly.

"What is the matter? Come closer." The king commands. "No matter what, you all must not draw your sword. Here he who draws first loses." Canute said quietly to us before taking the first step. Each of us followed after him, me and Thorfinn looking around uneasily.

"Halt." The king said, raising a hand."That will do, kneel." He commanded. Seeing his face he looked nothing like the prince. A sad old man sat on the throne, fat from gluttony, if it wasn't for the crown that adorned his head I wouldn't believe that this was our king. Each of us kneeled as he said.

"What happened to Ragnar? I do not see him." King Sweyn queried, propping his head up on his hand as he leaned to the side. Raising a goblet in the other hand an attendant poured him some red wine. "He died. In Mercia." Canute replies.

"I see. What a loss, he was a true and loyal subject." The king says, no sign of sympathy or pity on his face making it clear his words were lies. "Normally your return would be a cause for celebration. But I have long desires to speak with you outside of the social view. Raise and take ten paces forward." He ordered Canute.

The prince obeys, stopping in front of his father. "I see, your face has changed. You have the same look I did when I was young." He said with a heavy sigh.

"The. You understand what lies in my heart." Prince Canute replies.

The king huffs. "You are a troublesome child. When I was young I drove my father into exile and seized the crown myself believing this was the best for all in my realm. But believe me when I say this crown is a curse. One I'm sure you would not be able to bare."

"Is that why you have all of these men hidden in the shadows." The prince jeers at the king. Sweyn let's put a sigh "I'm sure you understand. This is futile to resist." He raised a hand, signaling all of the men who had currently been hidden to run forward and surround us with their weapons raised. "They're scuttling out like cockroaches." I say, reaching for my bow. Only to be stopped by my father snapping "don't draw, you were given an order by his highness both of you."

"Canute. I will give you a part of the territory of Cornwall. You can live out your days in peace reading your bible. But if you refuse you will die here now." The king says, giving his son a hard look.

Canute just smirks "Is that the crown telling you to do that your majesty." My father quickly interjects before the king could get in a reply "your majesty forgive his insolence!"

The king's attention turns to my father "And who would you be?"

My father took a knee in front of the king. "I am Prince Canutes loyal Vassal. Askeladd son of Olaf. Excuse my impertinence but asking but does this turn of event truly represent the crown? Prince Canute has swayed the powerful Thorkell to your side and away from London. Without him as an asset the city will soon surrender within the year, making all of its riches yours. How could you punish him for his great deed? Your majesty, you must reconsider." He said, bowing his head. I was surprised to hear my grandfather's name. Never had I heard of the man Olaf.

The king takes a moment as he thinks over what my father said. Standing up he finally replies "Canute. You have an excellent vassal in this man. He is correct, your deeds ought to be rewarded." He says as he makes his way to leave. The guards around us finally let their weapons drop. "I leave for York tomorrow. I will hold a feast for you to attend there. You will be properly honored during the feast. You may go now." He said as he left the throne room.

As we leave back through the double doors I wonder as to why the prince had not brought up mine and my fathers blood relations. Maybe it had to do with the fact that I still hadn't given him an answer for his proposal. I smile at the thought. 'Too bad he won't ever get a yes.'

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