Making Merry

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The tavern was full of life tonight as all of the men inside made merry cause of the prince making it to Gainsborough safely. Some fist fighting off to in a corner after getting so drunk they needed to take the edge off. Drums and flutes playing loudly for all to hear. Amazing smelling food provided by the barmaids and all of the booze you could drink was flowing from every keg.

Thorkell had definitely taken the princes orders to heart as he talked and drank with chieftains around the building. The prince and my father sitting at one end of the tavern in seats held for those of  high status. I'm sipping at a pint of beer, as I watch Thorkell. "So you're telling me, you're somehow related to HIM?" I ask Thorfinn, still in disbelief about what he had just told me.

He has a grimace on his face as he watched his great uncle down another pint of beer. "Ya, apparently on my mother's side." He explains. "Woah so you're related to the chieftain of the Jomsvikings. As in you're his grandson." I say, still surprised about that fact. Guess me and Thorfinn were similar when it came to hidden family members we've never met.

Thorfinn nods "I'd have never guessed it from how I had grown up. But I suppose his story makes sense. It explains how my father had been able to single handedly take down your fathers men. He had been a captain in the Jomsvikings."

I hadn't been there when my father had killed Thorfinns father Thor's. But from what I had overheard from the men who were there that day, I knew that he was a sight to behold the way he had taken out so many men including my own father without so much as taking a single life.

"Why did he leave?" I question turning to Thorfinn. He shrugs before saying "Dunno. Maybe he was tired of fighting." He takes a drink of his mead.

Thorkell picks up a kid of a chieftain and puts him onto his shoulders and announces to everyone "Drink up my friends! Drink your fill courtesy of the generous prince Canute!" Pointing toward where the prince sat. Canute raises his goblet along with the many men around the tavern as they toasted and drank to his name.

"Hey! Thorfinn and his woman!" Thorkell called to us as he walked over. "My names (Y/N), you should know this I've already told you it." I complained as he neared. Both me and Thorfinn glaring at the man, each of us not exactly wanting to be friendly with him since he had beat the shit out of both of us now. But this man didn't seem to hold grudges outside of battle. Honestly he seemed to like us more that we had survived his attacks and proved ourselves to him. Especially seemed to like Thorfinn even though he had stolen his eye.

"This little guy wants to hear about how I lost my eye." He said pointing at the eyepatch over his left eye. "I figured I'd introduce him to the very man who took it from me." He laughed slapping Thorfinns back. Thorfinn grumbling under his breath "I swear to fucking Odin..." when the kid on Thorkells shoulder spoke up "How did you do it mister!" He asks giddily.

"Ya how did you do it mister? I'd like to know how too since I was knocked out cold." I ask teasingly. Earning a sharp look from Thorfinn. "Not you too." He mumbled.

He lets out a defeated sigh before explaining how he had taken down Thorkell with my fathers help. My father blinding Thorkell by redirecting sunlight with his sword. Thorfinn then taking advantage of the momentary distraction and taking him down, only to jump on the man and shove his fingers into his eyes. I shiver at the last part, I knew he was ruthless but damn.

"So you used a dirty plan." The kid says bluntly making me want to laugh, trying not to choke on my drink. "It wasn't dirty. You use whatever you can out on the battlefield." Thorkell explains to the child. "You remember that for when you have to fight okay little guy."

"Okay!" The kid says cheerfully. "I can't wait till I get to fight."

My heart drops at that. After having to grow up in such conditions as living and fighting on the battlefield I never wanted this happy little kid to know what it's like to fight for your life. Hopefully he never had to, but seeing how the kid was apparently a chieftains son, he would eventually. Most likely to die at a young age. I knew I was lucky to not be in the ground already considering how my father had decided to raise me.

"Maybe you'll get Thorkells other eye." Thorfinns offers nonchalantly, bringing his cup up to his lips. "Hey don't give the kid ideals." Thorkell says pursing his lips. "Ya wouldn't want someone to make you blind, you wouldn't be able to fight anymore what a tragedy." I tease.

Thorkell scoffs "you two are both asshats." He pouts. Making me laugh at his goofyness. No wonder people seemed to like him, when he wasn't on the battlefield and trying to kill you he could be quite silly. "I'm taking the little guy away before you two can give him anymore ideals." He adds before heading off to another group of men. "Bye bye!" The little kid yells at us waving out a hand.

I wave back giving a small smile. "Want to get out of here? I think all of these drunks are starting to give me a headache." Thorfinn asks bringing my attention back to him. "Ya sure, give me a second though." I reply before downing my pint of beer. It was the only drink I had that night so I only felt slight tipsy.

Thorfinn watches me as I do so. "Aren't you gonna finish yours?" I ask him nodding to his half empty cup of mead. He shakes his head "I'm not much for alcohol." He explains as he stands up from his chair. Me doing the same before he leads me out of the building into the cold night air.

"What now?" I ask him and he me a smirk. "You know we haven't had much privacy since your ribs healed. Now that everyone is drunk off their asses we can spend some time together." He says.

My lips form a smile at his words. "What do you have in mind then now that we can be alone."

"Many things my love."

I Want to be Kind [-Thorfinn X Reader-] [Vinland Saga]Where stories live. Discover now