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-Your POV-

As we wait on Thorfinn to show up with the prince at the rendezvous point we shoot down any extra soldiers that are fleeing the fire. Whether or not they were Thorkell's or Canute's we did not care, they were shot down quickly with no remorse.

I pull back the drawstring on my bow, nocking an arrow, taking a deep breath as I take aim at a man's heart as he is running out of the fire. Releasing my breath I let go of my arrow. It flies through the air before embedding itself inside of the man's chest. Unfortunately it wasn't a clean shot, he lets out a cough of blood as he buckles under his weight. I watch him writhing in pain, debating on whether or not I should waste another arrow to help him die quicker.

I decide against firing a mercy shot as I watch one of our men walking towards the man with a knife in his hand about to finish the job. Going back to scanning the trees for any more soldiers fleeing the forest.

Thorfinn was late, we agreed to meet back up around a little past noon. But he still hasn't shown up yet. I feel a knot twisting in my stomach as I search the trees, hoping that the next man to come forth would be Thorfinn. I could care less whether or not he had succeeded and retrieved the prince. As long as he was safe and sound I would be happy.

As I watch some of our men dragging off the dead bodies of the men we had shot down I spot Thorfinn in the distance. "Don't shoot, I brought the prince!" Thorfinn hollered waving his arms. The men let out hoots and hollers as they spotted Thorfinn with the prince and two other men trailing behind him. "I was a little scared the boy wouldn't make it this time." Bjorn says scratching the back of his neck. I feel myself let out a sigh of relief, thank the Gods he was safe.

Once the group came closer me, my father, and Bjorn knelt down in front of the prince. Ragnar, the cone headed man, started berating us for scheming and getting his men killed. Hope he doesn't find out we actively killed them as well. All the while Thorfinn wandered off, some men sat around watching the interaction, while others were readying our supplies to get ready for our long trek to escape Thorkell.

"I have no other choice but to entrust his highness care to you along with ours. Protect him and see him safely back to King Sweyns army." Ragnar tells us. My father raises his head before introducing himself "I am Askeladd, son of Olaf. I humbly and faithfully accept this command." He then gestures toward me. "This is my daughter. (Y/N), daughter of Askeladd. We will act as your servants in the coming days." He finishes as I raise my head and take a good look at the prince's covered face.

"A shield-maiden. I would never expect to see one among your crew." Bjorn says as he looks over my face. At the same time I can feel the prince's eyes on me behind his feathered helm. I stare right back at him, wondering what a prince of Danes would look like.

Canute starts to unstrap the helm, pulling it off and revealing his.. Beautiful face? He had gorgeous long blonde locks and a feminine face that had no imperfections. "Prince..?" Bjorn said in disbelief "Or do you mean princess?"

"Watch your tongue! His highness is a male." Ragnar snapped, giving Bjorn a sharp look.
I couldn't blame Bjorn, if I wasn't dumbstruck by how he looked I would've probably had said the same thing just now.

"Of course he is a male." Askeladd said giving Bjorn a quick glance that practically said 'keep your mouth shut' before continuing "We must get moving though your highness, Thorkell will be on the move once he regroups with his men. And we need to be far ahead of him by then." He says as he stood up, me and Bjorn following suit.

The prince just stared us down, no hint of any emotion upon his face. He gave a curt nod before whispering something to his steward receiving a 'yes of course your highness' before Bjorn shared the message with us. "His highness will be needing a personal bodyguard just in case Thorkell is able to catch up with us."

Askeladd nodded "Then I have the perfect bodyguards for the prince." He says before calling out to Thorfinn. Once Thorfinn was with us he cocked his head at Askeladd in question on what the man could want now. "Thorfinn and my daughter will make great bodyguards for the young prince." Shocking me and Thorfinn at the same time.

"You don't tell me what to do baldie." Thorfinn starts to protest but Askeladd just ignores him and continues. "They're both great warriors, (Y/N) with a bow and Thorfinn with his blades. Not only that but they're all around the same age so they should get along well enough together." Bull. Maybe I will get along with the prince but Thorfinn definitely won't.

"Ah yes, he's the one who saved us and led us here." Ragnar says
"Go on Thorfinn, introduce yourself to the prince." Askeladd gestures from Thorfinn to Canute. Thorfinn introduces himself by glaring at the prince. Great and I thought he was starting to come out of his shell more. Guess it was just with me he was being kinder too.

The prince looks unnerved by Thorfinn's look and backs up a bit. "Why are you staring at him like that? Properly introduce yourself." I scolded him. His eyes turn to me "I don't need to, the princess already knows my name." He says to me,

I roll my eyes at his attitude, he could be such a pain at times. "Don't mind him, He's not always such an ass." I say offering out my hand to the prince, all the while giving him a small smile.

Canute ignores my hand and just nods at my words. Dejected I pull my hand back to my side, guess he's not one for hand shakes. Honestly if he hadn't whispered to his steward Ragnar earlier I would've thought he was mute.

Askeladd clears his throat, gaining all of our attention. "Now that you're all buddies we need to get moving. The men are all about ready to move on. And we need to make sure we are at least a day ahead of Thorkell."

Him and Bjorn walk off to go and take care of the last of the preparations, taking Ragnar with them to talk over their plans for the upcoming days. leaving me Thorfinn and prince Canute.

"What are you looking at, pretty boy?" Thorfinn growled at the prince, stepping in between me and Canute. "I- uhm.." was all Canute could get out. Raising his hands as a show of submission to Thorfinn. "Behave yourself." I told Thorfinn tugging on his arm and pulling him back to stand besides me.

Thorfinn grits his teeth, continuing to stare down the prince. Gods if looks could kill. "You don't need to intimidate everyone you meet asshat." I snap, finally getting his attention. He just gives a small 'tsk' before prowling off and leaving me and Canute to each other.

I watch him leave before saying "Don't worry, even if he doesn't look after you. I will." I promise. The prince gives a weary smile before finally uttering two words "Thank you." Wow, right when I was beginning to believe he was mute again too.

I Want to be Kind [-Thorfinn X Reader-] [Vinland Saga]Where stories live. Discover now