King of Brittania

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My life is going to shit. Here I sat in a large overcrowded room filled with men. Just earlier my deranged father had beat my lover and threatened to kill him if I didn't marry the prince of Denmark. My lover believed that I was willingly going to marry the prince and leave him behind. And now I sat in a banquet hall celebrating the princes safe return to Danish forces. Yippee..

"Leaders of Denmark. Thank you for joining me this day." The king announced to the crowd of men. Each and every one of us standing silently as we listened to the kings speech. "Our long held dream has at last come to fruition: I am finally the king over England. This day was made possible through your prowess and valiance.. and through the grace of the Gods my old friend Thorkell and my son Canute have returned to us." He said. Thorkell not even paying attention to the speech as he happily chowed down on some meat besides me. Canute giving him an annoyed look from where he stood besides his father.

"Welcome home my son." The king said as he gracefully wrapped his arms around his boy in a show of affection. "Out of our new lands I will place Mercia under your rule. Work with me to make a truly great realm." He says, his hand placed on Canutes shoulder. He looks to where Thorkell was still stuffing his face "Give my son your aid Thorkell. I ask this of you from my heart."

Without even looking up Thorkell replies with a mouth full of food "Mkay." If I wasn't currently wallowing in my own grief about what happened earlier Thorkells antics would make me laugh. At least for now it made me a little less depressed.

Men around the hall begin to whisper about how the prince was given Mercia, a valuable and rich province in England. I suppose this was how he was going to fight the rumors that my father had began.

"All of you will be rewarded according to your service. Next we will be heading toward Ireland within a few years, after all Ireland is home to the arrogant usurper Brian Boru." The king says from where he stood besides his son. "However. I believe that our next conquest come spring time shall be Wales. It is time for them to see the strength of a true king."

My father stiffens besides me as I myself hold my breath at the kings words. I wondered if I heard him correctly, is what he said true? Did he possibly know about our relations to the people of Wales. Could it be he know of my fathers and Canutes plan to strengthen ties to Wales through me. It made sense, why would he want want his son to have allies with any country.

My eyes widen at the realization. 'He's trying to make sure any alliance through marriage would be mute due to war.' I think to myself as I wonder how he could know this information.

The king starts to give out spoils of war to each of the chieftains. Having them come up one by one in front of him before it is announced what they will be given.

"Quit scarfing your food. It's disgusting." My father says to Thorkell as he tries to appear unfazed by the news that the king wished to invade Wales. "Shubbap.. I'm showin my fanks to the Gods of profferity." He says through his food before swallowing. "So speaking of Wales. That's where you all scampered off too when I was on your tail." He said holding up a sausage link. "What kind of trick did you use there. How's you get them to take the side of a Dane like you?" He asked my father.

"That land is my home. It is my country." My father replies. "No shit." Thorkell responded. My father nodding "the land is poor but the people are rich in pride and spirit for their land. Something I wish I could have installed in you." He says the last part directly to me. I frown at him, I knew he cared greatly for the Welsh country, other than teaching me some history lessons and the Welsh language he never brought it up. I didn't have the same love he did for the harsh country of Wales.

I look away from him, unable to keep eye contact. His name is then called by an announcer. He stands up and walks over to where the king stood. "Rescuing his highness from danger, his majesty awards you fifty pounds of silver." The same announcer said, reading off of a paper. I'm a bit shocked at the price, we had risked so much and only would receive fifty coins.

"I am told you worked tirelessly on my sons behalf. Receive my thanks." The king said graciously. My father bowed, he attention towards the ground as he answered "Majesty. I gratefully accept your reward."

"I am looking to your valor in our invasion of Wales." The king said looking down on Askeladd.

My father looks up to the king. "I beg you to forgive me for speaking my mind aloud. But is Wales truly a wise decision?." He argued causing most of the men in the building to mutter and gossip quietly amongst themselves at his questioning of the king. The king stares him down before saying "Speak your mind. It is a kings duty to listen to his subjects."

"Thank you. Your highness. I have two reasons. One is that the Danish soldiers are exhausted as is at the moment, we have fought ten hard long years against the English, heavy fatigue is set in both lands and people. We should focus on recuperation for the moment. Then my other reason is that Wales is a treacherous terrain that has a lack of any value. I cannot imagine spoils from that land worthy of the cost to our forces."  My father argued his case against this invasion, hiding his true feelings behind a mask.

"Man he loves to talk." Thorkell mused.
"This isn't a conquering but a suppressing, we can't have them try and rise up because of us taking of England. " a man named Floki said.
"Then send me as a messenger if that is your intention. I believe I am a worthy negotiator." My father continued as he motioned toward himself.

"You demand that a king should listen to you." King Sweyn queried as he stepped forward toward my father. "Please heed my words." Askeladd responded. I wondered if the king would strike at him for his insolence. The king does the complete unexpected as he smiles brightly "This is the image of a true servant!Now stand. How blessed I am to such a loyal and capable vassal, my heart beams." He says as my father stood in front of him. Grabbing his shoulders he leans in for what I expected was an embrace but instead he seemed to whisper something into Askeladds ear.

My father tenses, face going hard with anger as the king stepped back. When he said the most unexpected sentence. "You know. I don't like your face. It's not what a crown should sit upon." My father says bluntly stunning everyone with his words toward the king.

"What did you just say?" The king mutters as he's taken aback. "Come on now grandpa are you hard of hearing as well? I said take the jewels off your head you hideous fucking bastard." My father snapped back. 'What the hell is he doing!' I think as I stand up abruptly  from my seat.

Guards step forward, withdrawing their weapons but my father stops them with a simple sentence "Ah ah, I wouldn't do that, The king is in my reach." He unsheathes his sword.

I'm standing there in confusion as to why he's acting like this when Thorkell bursts "Son of a bitch! Stop stealing the cool parts!" I put out my arm "Wait-Wait! Don't move Thorkell!" I practically order him. "Yes do listen to her Thorkell. Askeladd has gone mad, do not agitate him." The prince adds in.

"Put away your sword Askeladd and I will forgive your sin." The king orders, sweat popping up on his forehead. "Do not presume to judge me. Hah 'Forgive'. You've already insulted my family and my people, this is a crime worthy of death." My father said pointing his sword at the kings throat.

"This is my final warning. Put down the sword Askeladd."the king demanded, trying to keep control. "That's only a nickname. Want to know what my actual name is?" He said with a smirk.

"Lucious Artorius Castus. And I am the rightful king of Brittania." My father announced. And within a second the kings head rolled onto the floor.

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