🍋Stroke Me🍋

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-Warning Sexual Content--Smut Chapter 1/2-

I was intrigued about where this night was going. To be completely honest butterflies were currently in a frenzy in my lower belly as I followed Thorfinn to an inn. Neither of us had ever been with another of the opposite sex, outside of the time when he practically worshiped my body.

A part of me had been unhappy because He never even took off his pants that night. A flush taking over my face as I wonder if he had a micro penis. 'Nonono! I saw that damned monster tenting his pants. That's not why he didn't take his pants off.' I think to myself I remember the monster of a bulge he had. Maybe Freya the Goddess of sex was smiling down on me.

We entered the inn, Thorfinn leading me to the owner. He pulls out a coin purse and plucks a few silver coins out of it. Handing over the coins he asks for a one bedroom which the innkeeper glances at me before turning his eyes back to Thorfinn with a smirk. "Would you need a hot water brought to you?" The man asked, making me realize that this inn had tubs in the rooms. "Yes please!" I say interrupting Thorfinn before he could answer.

The innkeeper nods before handing us a key from behind the counter. "Here ya go, it'll be the last one on your right upstairs." Thorfinn takes the key with one hand before grabbing my hand with the other and pulling me along.

Unlocking the door he pushes it open revealing a large bed pushed up against the wall on the far side of the room. A tub in one corner, with a wooden room divider in front of it. A small bottle of bathing oil sat on the floor beside it, along with a towel. "I haven't had a bath in a few days." I say happily, walking over to the empty wooden tub, excited for when the water will be brought to us.

Once the water arrives via a maid I shyly look over at Thorfinn and tell him to look away as I undress. He narrows his eyes at me "Why? I've already had your womanhood bared to me. It doesn't make a difference to be shy now." He replies, causing me to blush as he starts to unbutton his own shirt. "What are you doing?" I ask him. "I'm getting in with you obviously. There's more than enough room for both of us." He replies lazily as he shrugs off his shirt before he starts to unbutton his pants.

As his pants drop I quickly look away. For all of my complaining about not getting to see earlier I was too embarrassed and shy to look at him full on right now. He walks up behind me where I was still fully clothed and wraps his arms around me from behind. "Come on, I'll help you undress." He whispers into my ear causing me to shiver.

His fingers work at the buttons on my shirt quickly before pulling it off of me, before working on my pants. Once I'm undressed he heads over to the bath letting me get a good view of his bare back, opening the bottle of oil before pouring half of it into the steaming water he puts his hand into it. Swishing the water around and mixing the oil in, causing the water to foam and bubbles to pop up on the surface.

His head turned to me, looking over my bare body with a hunger in his eyes before reaching out tentatively to me. Taking my hand he leads me to the tub. I step into the water first, embracing the warmth of it as I sit down, the water coming up to the middle of my abdomen. Thorfinn follows suit, me looking away until his lower body is submerged in the water, the bubbles hiding the sight of his cock.

I had no clue what to say as Thorfinn stared intently at me. "What!" I finally get out after around a minute of this. "It's just you're so pretty." He replies with a sly smile before pulling me closer to his body. "Let me wash your hair for you." He offers, grabbing the bottle of oil and pouring some of it into his hand. I comply, turning my back to him as he rubs the bathing oil into my hair, his fingers running through my hair. I want to moan at the touch, it felt amazing the way his fingers worked my scalp.

Once done he lets me wash the oil out of my hair. Him washing his own as I rinse mine. Once cleaned, he pulls me to him so that I straddle his hips as I sit on his lap. His hands on my lower back. "I want to touch you.." he says quietly to me, making my heart pound, its pulse echoing between my own legs. "Well I want you to touch me." I whisper back. He doesn't take a second once he has my consent. His hands sliding down, roughly grabbing my ass. He leans his head forward and slowly licks on one of my exposed nipples.

Biting on my bottom lip I try to hold back a moan. Thorfinns eyes lazily looking up at me from here his head was currently at my breasts. He clicks his tongue before biting my breast making me yelp. "What was that for?!" I gasped breathlessly. He licks the bite mark lovingly before replying "There are no guards now. I want you to be as loud as you want. I want to hear your moans while I pleasure you." He says giving me a cocky smile, making my face flush. "If I see you holding back I'll have to bite you again." He threatens.

I give a shy nod, breathing heavily, my breasts rising up and down with my chest. A chuckle rumbles through his chest at my response before he attacks my lips, viciously attacking my tongue with his own. I'm caught off guard as I moan into his mouth, he groans in response, pulling my body up against him, letting me feel his hard cock up against the front of my cunt.

My hands explore his body as his roams my own, each of us feeling anything and everything about the other. Eventually my hands drift over his lower abdomen, earning a low moan in response from Thorfinn. I feel a sense of bravery as I let my hands wander lower and lower until finally my fingers find his cock. It felt huge as I wrapped my hand around it, earning a hiss of pleasure from Thorfinns lips. I smirk, pumping my hand once, rubbing my thumb over the tip of his dick.

I'm about to pull my hand back when Thorfinns hand quickly grabs my forearm. "Don't stop please." He hisses, making my smile widen. I rub up and down his cock, his hand gripping my forearm still tightly. "Do you like it?" I question as I work his cock in my hand, loving how it reacted to my touch. He responds by giving me a rough kiss on my lips, breathing heavily through his nose. "It makes me want to shove my cock inside of you. Yes I love it." He groans after we separate.

I smile at him, picking up my pace. His already tense body tensing up even more. "I-I think I'm going to come. Don't s-stop." He mumbles out before moaning as he bucks his hips forward, his cock pulsing in my hand. He comes down from his orgasmic high, both of us sitting there breathlessly. Thorfinn grabs me and abruptly stands up, I grab onto his body as water drips off of us.

"Wait, we're still wet!" I rasp as he walks toward the bed. "I don't give a fuck. I need to lay with you now." He replies, his jaw clenched. "Nope nope! I need to be dry! I'm not getting the sheets wet you animal!" I demanded as I wriggled out of his grasp running over to the towel. He watched me intently as I wiped myself down, rubbing the towel on my head to try and get the excess water out. I look over to him once I'm done to see that he was already hard again. 'Holy Goddess Freya... You truly are smiling down on me today.' I think, taking in how large his cock was.

Thick and angry, it stood at full mast. I sat dumbfounded as I tried to comprehend how he was so short yet packing so much heat in his pants. Licking my lips my eyes glanced up to his face where he held a cocky smirk. "Do you like it?" He teased cocking his head to the side. I blush at being caught staring when I throw the towel to him. "Hush! Now wipe up or else no more." I said, earning a soft chuckle from him before he dried himself off. Me slyly admiring his muscles as he did.

Once done he walks over to me, quickly picking me up and slinging me over his shoulder. "Hey I can still walk!" I squeaked out.

He just ignores me saying "Quiet, it's my turn now."

I Want to be Kind [-Thorfinn X Reader-] [Vinland Saga]Where stories live. Discover now