Lief Erickson

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I watch as the old man 'mister Lief' as Thorfinn had called him, hug Thorfinn closely. I see the shocked expression on Thorfinns face as he doesn't know how to react. It honestly felt like I was intruding on an important and private moment.

"What has happened to you?" The man says pulling back, releasing Thorfinn from his embrace. The guards around us whispering amongst themselves on whether or not they could get in trouble with the prince by accusing Thorfinn of being an assassin. "Ya, you might even get into more trouble when he finds out you threatened two of his loyal subordinates." I say nonchalantly, taking their attention away from the reunion.

"Would you happen to be.. (Y/N) daughter of Askeladd?" The one who had noticed Thorfinn asks, he face turning paler than it already was. I frown. "No cool nickname for me?" I ask even though I had just teased Thorfinn about his own, I felt left out.
"I'm sorry I haven't heard of any!" The man says quickly. I let out a sigh "It's fine just go." I say waving them off. "Don't mention this and you won't get in trouble, I'll make sure the prince doesn't find out."

They thank me profusely before running off, taking their knocked out leader with them. Taking a deep breath I direct my attention back to the matter at hand, this man from Thorfinns past. Seems that Thorfinn had already given the man the short version of events, only telling him the bare minimum of how he had been a child soldier after his father death. Along with how he has been fighting as Askeladds underling as he sought vengeance.

"I see. So you've been doing all of that in order to get revenge for Thor's." Lief says sullenly. "Yes, I will be the one to kill Askeladd with my fathers dagger. I'll keep trying till I've regained our honor." Thorfinn grits out, a look of pure hatred overtaking his features. His eyes flicker to where I stood a few feet away. Seeing the look of pity on my face he quickly looks away as his features soften.

I clear my throat alerting the old man to my presence. "Oh excuse me, who are you? You were with Thorfinn before I barged in yes?" He questions me. "Yes I was, my name is (Y/N)." I say offering out my hand. Thinking I should make a good impression with anyone who knew the old Thorfinn.

Lief takes my hand and shakes it giving me a warm smile. "My name is Lief Erickson."

I'm floored at his name "You mean you're Lief the Lucky! I've heard about you before!" I say excitedly. I had heard the name when we had passed through villages along the Baltic Sea, he made a name for himself by being an adventurous merchant who frequently would stay in many villages along his path, making friends along the way.

The old man lets out a gentle laugh "Yes that would be me, but don't make a big deal about it I'm just a simple old merchant." He says humbly before adding "Would you happen to be Thorfinns friend?"

"Well a little more than friends." Thorfinn says before I could answer, making his way to stand besides me. Lief seems to take a second as he looks between us before finally putting the pieces together "You really have grown.." he says quietly in disbelief before a wide smile engulfs his face "My boy this is wonderful news! I'm sure Helga will be so happy to meet her daughter in law! Oh and Ylva will be just as proud I'm sure of it!"

"Oh wait wait!" I start to say when Lief brings me in for a big hug squeezing me tightly. "But we're not married." I squeak out unable to break from his hug, for an old man he was truly strong. He pulls back, a smile still on his face as he says "Oh there's always time to get married though my dear! Just because you aren't now doesn't mean you won't be later."

'Well there are a few complications' I think to myself. 'Buuuut he doesn't need to know that'

"I'm sure they will still love you anyways even if you aren't married. Thorfinns mother and sister are kind people. You two will have to come and see them as soon as possible, especially you Thorfinn." He says pointing a finger at the other man. "Your mother's health as been in the decline ever since you've gone missing. You must go and see her, in fact my ship is heading back to Greenland, im sure we can stop at Iceland on the way."

Thorfinn wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me to his side. "We aren't going anywhere. You have the wrong ideal here Lief, I still need to kill Askeladd before I can even face my family." He tells Lief. I frown at his words. I won't lie, a small part of me has hoped that he would give up on his revenge. I loved Thorfinn, but I still also loved my father no matter how much wrong he has done.

Liefs smile drops from his face at Thorfinns words. "Surely you don't really mean that. Why not come and see them? Your sister has become a mother by the way, she's given birth to your nieces and nephews."

This seems to annoy Thorfinn "Shut up. Don't tell me about them when I haven't asked you." He snaps suddenly walking off at a brisk pace pulling me along by my arm. "Wait where are you two going!" Lief calls out. The desperation in his voice making me dig my heels into the ground causing Thorfinn to come to a halt. He turns back to look at me with an annoyed expression.

"I think you need to actually talk to him instead of running away." I say, returning his annoyed look with one of my own. "He's been looking for you for years now the least you can do is talk to him without being an asshole."

"He just wants to drag me home." Thorfinn snaps back at me. "Do you want me to leave?" He questions as Lief catches up to us. "No I don't. But I want you to have an actual conversation with someone who cared about you enough to spend so long looking for you." I argue back wondering why he was being so stubborn about this.

Lief watches us argue a few feet back not wanting to get in the middle of this. "I have a job to get back to as the princes bodyguard, you as well." He says and I roll my eyes "Ya the job you hate doing is why you're so eager to leave."

He stays silent as he tries to come up with a better excuse as to why he can't stay when I continue. "Is it so hard to just talk to him? Let him know that you're okay? Is it so hard to want to go and see your family whom you left behind to worry about you as you went off on your revenge quest." I argue with him. "It's not like that, I can't face them yet." He grits out.

This sends me over the edge. "You can't face them? You don't need to kill my father to let your family know you're alive and well!" I hiss at him. Tears threatening to prick the back of my eyeballs as I was t great at holding in my emotions. "You know I wish I had a nice family to return to. To leave this life of death and destruction. You don't understand how nice you have it to just let go of your hatred and return to a calm life." I tell him, my anger fading away once I'd let it out. He softens at my confession, watching me intensely.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't realize you felt that way." he says finally after a few moments of silence. I shake my head, angry at him for fighting with me on something so simple. "I'm going back. Stay with him please." I say quickly, outright ignoring his apology. I go to leave, not wanting to stay a minute longer. It was already bad enough that I had gotten upset, but that I had to gotten upset in front of Lief, a man whom I didn't personally know.

I walk past Thorfinn at a brisk pace. Heading back to the prince and my father I hoped that he would listen to me and catch up with the old man. Hear about his family more and let Lief know more about what has happened to the man. Even if he didn't follow him home, at least Lief may be able to reassure his family with news of Thorfinn still alive and well.

I Want to be Kind [-Thorfinn X Reader-] [Vinland Saga]Where stories live. Discover now