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Lief went out with Bug-eyes back to the barracks to talk to Ketil about taking Arnheid and Einar off of his hands. But when they returned back to Patils house with Einar in their possession they told us Ketil was adamant about not freeing Arnheid, even after he almost killed her.

When they came back with Einar in tow, they let us know that the kings ship was expected to land within the night. And that Ketil fully intended to fight the king, expecting that Canute had come only because they had killed a few of his men back in jelling. Though that might be a part of the reason, I believed some of it might be because Canute is a sore loser and can't take a hint that I officially dumped him the moment I had to sneak out of his manor.

We each talk about how to sneak out of this farm. Planning to sneak Arnheid out while Canute and Ketil battled, but for now we just needed to lay low and wait.

Einar sauntered up to me a big goofy grin on his face. "So you're (Y/N)? I've heard about you from Thorfinn." He tells me, my eyes flicker to Einar from where they had been on Thorfinn across the room. "Oh he's talked about me?" I question, a part of me was still surprised Thorfinn even had friends. Let alone talk about me with them. "Well not really. But he's mentioned you a few times in the past. I was shocked when I found out he had a former lover when I first met him. He was such a miserable little shit it was hard to imagine him with a woman." Einar said jokingly, causing me to crack a smile.

I watch as Thorfinn gets up from where he had been leaning against the wall on the other side of the small house, moving to leave through the front door. "Excuse me for a moment." I tell Einar as I push past him to follow after Thorfinn. Once outside I spot him leaning against the house, watching as the sun set. "Need some fresh air?" I question him, cocking my head as I move to stand besides him. "You could say that." He mumbles out, a slight smile on his face.

"I never expected to see you again. Askeladd had said you were going to marry the prince, or well king now I suppose." He said, his eyes sliding from the sunset to me.

"I didn't. He wanted me to marry Canute because of my bloodline." I tell him, entwining my hands together as I lean back against the house. "Turns out I'm related to some important people, sorta like you.. So my father wanted me to marry into nobility, not just for a more secure position in life. But because he figured he could protect his homeland Wales from the Danes with me in a position of power." I explain to him as I watched the sun set.

"Makes sense I suppose." He murmured. The air between us felt awkward. Of course I never expected us to just go back to how we acted together after three years away from one another with no contact. Outside of the initial shock of seeing each other for the first time again in forever it felt odd to talk to him, I didn't know what to say or where to start explaining what had happened these past years. "I didn't marry him just so you know. But I might have accept to become his fiancé not that long ago." I say, noticing Thorfinn stiffen at my words.

"So you're going to marry him then?" He asked, his words clipped as he forced the words out, scared to hear me confirm his fear. "No I won't be." I say, hearing him let out a sigh as soon as my words leave my mouth. "When I found out there was a chance you were still alive I asked him to allow me to take a ship here to check. But he declined, saying he wouldn't allow his fiancé to run off. He even locked me in my room if you can believe that." I say. A huff of dry amusement leaving my lips.

"How'd you get out?" He questioned and I looked at him with a smile. "Obviously I snuck out of there. Canute can go fuck himself if he thinks he can keep me locked up as a pretty little wife. And if there was a chance you were alive, even if it was a small one. I would take it over being his queen any day."

He stays quiet for a moment before asking "Why did you agree to marrying him?"

"Because I didn't think there was anything else in this world for me. I thought you were dead, so for awhile I grieved. For you and for everyone I had lost." I explain, twisting the Mercia ring on my finger as I talked. Remembering how I felt the months after finding out everyone I loved had died. "But Canute forced me out of my grief, he gave me a job to keep me occupied from my thoughts and stayed as my friend for years. When he asked me to be his fiancé I agreed because I believed he could give me a comfortable life. I believed I might grow to be happy with him and possibly love him.. though of course it would've only been a sliver compared to the love I hold for you."

"Do you think he'll cancel the engagement?" He questioned causing me to smile. "Why you ask? Trying to fill his role?" I teased half heartedly, Thorfinn letting out a huff of amusement at my words. "I'm not sure. He may or he might not. I didn't expect him to lock me up in my room when I said I was going to search for you so I don't know what to expect with him. But our engagement wasn't announced to the common folk, so it wouldn't be a hard fix to cancel it." I explain.

Reaching out I grab his hand, in return Thorfinn entwines his fingers with my own before giving me a reassuring squeeze. "I've missed you." He whispers to me, a slight smile pulling on his lips as he stares in my eyes. I lift our combined hands up together and kiss the back of his softly. "I've missed you too.." I say just as quietly back to him. I felt peaceful in that moment, the sun finally slowly falling under the distant horizon, leaving us in darkness as I leaned forward to brush my lips against his. Breaking whatever awkwardness we held between each other as Thorfinn deepened the kiss, his free hand placing itself on my lower back as he pulled me closer.

"I'm sorry" I mutter to him once he pulled away from me, placing his forehead against my own. "What for?" He asked me, his brows furrowing in confusion. "For accepting Canutes proposal and becoming his fiancé. I should've been looking for you all this time instead of believing you were dead.. And I'm sorry for not running after you when they took you away after my father died, I should've stayed by your side." I tell him, my voice cracking as I choked the words out. I felt horrible for abandoning him that day. I I had just stayed with him instead of letting Thorkell lead me away none of this would've happened.

Thorfinn just simply holds me closer, his arms around my body pulling me tighter against him. "It's fine. Though I wish you had gone after me. I understand that you had thought I was dead and given up searching. I understand that you planned to marry Canute after years of believing I was dead. Hell even if you had married him I would've done everything in my power to get you back." He swore to me. I felt myself relax in his embrace, lifting my arms to hold him back.

Nothing could ever compare to holding him in my embrace, the firmness of his muscles underneath his tunic. The light musk of his scent as my head laid against his shoulder. And though he was barely taller than me by less than an inch, I felt as if his presence was larger than life. "I love you. And I'll always love you. No matter what happens in this life." He murmurs, turning his head to the side to give me a soft kiss on the check.

"I love you too.. do you think Canute will come after us?" I asked him. Resting my cheek again his shoulder as I faced him. "He's a good man (Y/N). I don't believe he will chase us down to try and force you to be his wife. Even though he locked you up, it was probably more to do with the fact he didn't want you to waste your time traveling after a man he thought of as dead. I'm sure he'll listen to us if we just talk to him. And if he does try anything, he'll have to get past my dead body." He joked.

I smile at his words, feeling a sense of relief. I stare at his face, noting the differences in it from the last time I saw him. The scars along his face, the fact that the tip of his left ear was completely gone. He had been through so much in our three years apart, and I wasn't there to help him. "Thorfinn... if anything were to happen tomorrow. I want to be with you one last time." I whisper.

His face grows hot at my words as a blush taints his cheeks. "Wait do you mean as in...? Be with each other like that?" He asked me, stuttering at the end. I smirk at him "Of course. I can't let you die without having another piece of you." I tease him.

He grins at my words. Letting loose a chuckle of absurdity "Right now?" He questions and I respond with a curt nod, a grin plastered on my face as I bite my lip. "Well okay then, I wouldn't mind showing you my love. It has been awhile." He purrs as he kisses me once more, and I swore I melted into his embrace.

I Want to be Kind [-Thorfinn X Reader-] [Vinland Saga]Where stories live. Discover now