Chapter 1: Protected Blood

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People walked the streets of New York completely unaware that the supernatural existed. Over hundreds of centuries, werewolves have wandered these lands without being discovered. They hide in plain sight as regular employees, lawyers, doctors, cops and even drug dealers. In this secret society of werewolves there's also a hierarchy, and no matter where one went on this planet, a hierarchy always called for trouble. The shifter world is ruled by the strongest alphas, and their packs have been following them since beginning of their creation.

However, for this system to run smoothly, all the alphas must follow a code which was created by their ancestors. And no one knew that better than the Centauri pack. They were the last original family that has the pure blood from the first werewolf ever created by Maya- the moon goddess. She is the deity all werewolves- evil or good worshipped. If someone ever wondered why a wolf howled towards a lonesome moon? It's because that beautiful beast knows that Maya would always listen to his prayers.

The Centauri family has been a strong threshold for all werewolves to follow as an example. Gabriel Centauri was the eldest son and the most ruthless alpha known today. He, alone raised his siblings to be honourable warriors and righteous protectors. Their territory was the safest and largest; women could walk alone at night and kids could freely play without having to look over their shoulder.

However, Gabriel Centauri wasn't alone on this throne. He had his fighters who enforced his rule greater than anyone ever had in this time. Even though they hid in the shadows, they were beside this great alpha since the very beginning. There were two in particular that the world did know about and they were the Drakov brothers. The Centauri name wouldn't be where they are now without these two fighters, but it wasn't a forced alliance. Many believed that the friendship Gabriel had with the Drakov twins was unlike any other they had seen before. No one had seen two people more willing to die for their alpha than River and Ryder Drakov.

The Drakov twins had no family, no relation to anyone since they were born with only each other. They learned at a young age that no one was on their side, that they only had themselves to take care of and look out for. Orphans from the beginning, they didn't have any parents nor any pack to lose. They were lone wolves living in orphanages and shelters and they went to a rundown public school, that accepted kids like them.

However, that raised many questions and the world wondered how exactly these two boys met Gabriel; a pure-blooded Centauri and win his trust.

Many who saw this bond with a scornful gaze only cursed at it and insulted them. Many would say that it was fear that drove the Drakov twins to follow Gabriel. Others said they were hiding their true intentions to take over once Gabriel turned a blind eye. No one thought that maybe, just maybe, the twins would die for their alpha because they had an unbreakable bond built on love and trust.

They pledged their loyalty to the Centauri pack at a young age and no matter what happened they had Gabriel's back. They would lay down their lives for him without hesitation and without a single ounce of regret. However, how dangerous were River and Ryder Drakov? Everyone conjured many ideas of what they would do to anyone who would try to hurt the people they loved. The ruthless reputation these two had was already built from a young age and it continued as they got older.

The Drakov twins were dangerous men who stayed in the dark in order to protect the light Gabriel used to guide his pack.

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