Chapter 6: Plan of Action

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It was blazing hot today even though every window in the gym was left open. Ryder was dripping in sweat as he trained, his shirt was practically soaked all the way through and the band of his shorts was as well. He laboured on the power-tower trying to accomplish as many pull-ups as he could without breaking focus. Hunter was working on weights and Azura was sparring with Lupin.

The door suddenly opened and it was Viola. "We're all going to the lake for picnic," she announced. "Klaus told me to tell you to come when you're done."

"Is there food?" Ryder asked as he hopped down.

"Of course," Viola said and then walked off.

Ryder didn't waste a second to get some fresh air and food. As he got out of the gym, the breeze from the forest rolled through the fields and cooled him immediately. From the distance, he saw everyone at the edge of the forest near the lake, which was right outside his cabin. Walking towards them, the chatter grew louder as he approached.

Viola, Hailey, Sabrina and Zoya were setting up the sheet on the ground, Ender helped them as a camera hung around his neck. Hunter, Azura and Lupin also followed out of the gym and joined them. Klaus was pouring lemonade and Vincent was sitting against a tree reading a book. The only ones not here were Gabriel and River who were still at work and King went somewhere with Bone.

Ryder went to the table full of treats and grabbed the puff pastry with jam on top.

"Wash your hands," chided Klaus.

"I'm clean," Ryder rebuked as he took another bite.

"And yet you stink more than a pig," Vincent remarked with a chuckle.

Ryder looked down at the man who was impeccably dressed in a soft linen shirt and trousers. "You're right V, I should take a bath," he agreed.

"Yeah, don't be nasty," Vincent added.

Ryder smirked, putting the pastry down, he went straight for his target. Grabbing Vincent by his arm, he threw him over his shoulder dropping the book from his hands, it wasn't easy with his size but not impossible. Plus, Ryder just worked-out, he was pumping with adrenaline.

"Ryder!" he shouted as he smacked his back and kicked him too, it hurt a lot but he didn't let go. "Don't you dare! I swear to god I will kill you!"

"You said we smelt like pigs," he taunted as he treaded across the dock taking his shoes off along the way.

"I said you did!" Vincent yelled back.

Ryder laughed before he ran the last few steps and jumped into the lake with Vincent in his arms. The lake was cooler than ice and felt incredible as they emerged together to the top. Ryder raked his wet hair back and laughed at Vincent's furious expression.

"I'm going to kill you," Vincent gritted out.

Ryder flicked water in the man's face and he yelled furiously making everyone laugh.

"Cannon ball!" another voice yelled. Azura jumped off the dock and splashed into the water.

"Watch out for me!" Lupin yelled as he jumped in as well.

Vincent was getting splashed left and right as more joined them in the water, even Zoya's pup happily jumped into the lake. Ryder was sure that he would explode from rage any second. Vincent pushed his wet hair back and swam his way back to the dock. He hauled himself out and sat on the ledge with his legs still in the water.

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