Chapter 16: Bonded

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Vincent woke up with the sun in his face. He was laid out on his side wondering when he passed out. He barely managed to open his eyes when his whole body ached, his skin felt raw like it was scorched by flames hotter than the sun itself. Although, he had to admit that a long time passed since he got this level of restful sleep, all the tension in his body was gone and he found himself relaxed despite sleeping for a few hours or less.

Memories from last night flooded his mind then. Vincent felt an overwhelming surge of something deep and vulnerable thread its way into his heart. He pushed his tousled hair from over his eyes and tried to turn, but his back hit something hard as rock. Ryder was dead asleep behind him.

A smile tugged at Vincent's lips. He couldn't help himself as he faced his mate. It didn't feel strange nor did it take any time for Vincent to get used to calling Ryder his mate. For so long, they avoided it out of fear or trauma or whatever other excuse they had. But now, all there was to tell was that Ryder was his and his alone.

Vincent searched for his phone but couldn't find it. Last night was great, but Vincent contemplated killing Ryder for being such a barbarian. Vincent really couldn't feel anything below his waist. Finding the clock on the table, it was seven in the morning. He shouldn't sleep for another hour otherwise he'd be late for work.

He got up when his wrist was seized from behind him.

"Where are you going?" Ryder's voice was groggy and rough.

"Let go," Vincent said. "I need to get ready and go to work."

Ryder didn't let go. "Skip work," he said as he turned onto his back.

"I can't," Vincent said.

"Mmm." Ryder didn't care at all.

Perhaps, it was all the light from the windows that made Vincent a bit self-conscious of their naked bodies and all the marks they left on each other. Vincent didn't know what came over him last night to make him so bold, but right now, he was remembering everything and it made his face burn up- probably turning his cheeks red.

Ryder pulled Vincent onto him, so their lips were close. But Ryder didn't kiss him, his attention had secured itself on Vincent's neck that was practically chewed up. He softly kissed down Vincent's neck and his rough hands circled around his back. His touch possessive but sweet, it melted Vincent's heart and he never felt like moving from this spot.

"Skip work," Ryder whispered.

Vincent blinked trying to form words as Ryder's lips kissed over his clavicle. "I can't," he moaned.

Suddenly, Vincent was flipped and pushed back on the bed with Ryder on top of him. He kissed down Vincent's chest, his sterling-blue eyes watched with primal determination that made him as threatening as a predator. A rush of arousal churned in Vincent's body and it was Ryder's fault. As he licked and kissed all the teeth marks that were scattered over Vincent's body, like a trail mapping out last night, Vincent couldn't contain his voice or his anticipation. Ryder put his lips around Vincent's shaft, taking it into his mouth without hesitation. He was soft and gentle, like he was trying to drive Vincent insane all over again.

Vincent raked his fingers into Ryder's dark hair that felt heavenly. A hot pit grew inside Vincent's gut and he couldn't contain the sensation of being possessed and controlled while Ryder's mouth was hot and wet coating his shaft. He was hard and throbbing for release, but Ryder held back knowing that Vincent would come soon and he didn't want to end the torture.

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