Chapter 28: Epilogue

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Siena was a beautiful city in Italy. The sun was high up in the clear blue sky shining on the grand architecture of Piccolomini Library. Bone finally visited this monumental beauty that was built for the gods to experience. The castle stood proudly in its glorious form with the gates left open for people to visit the books and the lay their eyes on the extravagant interior. He'd been here for two weeks now, exploring the city and relishing the food.

He wasn't alone though. King, Klaus and Ender came with him. Along with them, Leo, Dante, Jake, Levi and John followed with Jaxx who kept Ender company. Bone had to admit that spirit in these boys could fill this city with waves of warmth. They had fun no matter where they were and it was nice to be around. It was as if Bone could be this way too and no one would judge him.

They were outside the library at the market buying souvenirs. Everyone dressed for the warm weather were busy looking at the stalls that were sealing all sorts of crafts and handmade trinkets. Bone wasn't ready to leave the library yet, so he left alone to explore the massive halls that were empty for him to explore.

On his own now, his thoughts drifted. It had been six weeks since he last spoke to Alister. He hadn't returned like he promised when he said that he'd be finished his business in a week. There weren't any calls or text between them either. Bone wondered if something happened to him and he was in danger. Or perhaps after reading the letter, Alister changed his mind about the mating. But Bone's gut told him that wasn't the case.

Walking through the great arched halls, he viewed the tiled ceilings that were painted to mirror angels and the divine the humans believed in for centuries. The white walls carried over him into a beautiful coved ceiling which was high above everything else. The old books were under glass cases for their protection.

Bone wandered further down the library into a garden in the back. The sun shined on the huge green hedges and wide meadow. He didn't know this place had a garden. He leaned on the ledge and stared out into the wide space where there was a fountain.

He was about to return when his phone rang, it was Klaus. He quickly answered. "Hello."

"Where'd you go?" Klaus asked as the ruckus of the boys spilled through the phone.

"I'm still in the library," Bone answered. "There's a garden here."

"Oh, really, I didn't know that," Klaus sounded surprised and looked like he was about to ask more when Leo's eager voice shouted at the back. "The kids are getting hungry. We're about to go get some pizza otherwise I fear they will eat my head. Do you want us to wait for you?"

"I'm heading right out," Bone said. "Just-" he stiffened when a familiar scent carried through the air towards him. The darkly spiced fragrance that had the allure of whiskey, it intoxicated him.

From the corner of his eye, he caught a black wolf running behind the tall hedge on the other end of the garden.

"Don't wait for me, Klaus," Bone said as his eyes focused on the movement. He hadn't realized when his own feet started going down the stairs and towards the garden. Klaus's voice muffled into the phone and it must have cut on its own.

Bone followed the trail of the scent and wondered how it was possible to sense it here. There was no way, but he didn't give up. Through the maze of dark green hedges that were trimmed perfectly, he found himself in the centre where there was a large fountain and a few benches. The sun danced over the water, it appeared as if tiny little diamonds floated on top. Perhaps, he was mistaken because there was no one here.

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