Chapter 15: Rupture

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Ryder still didn't believe what was happening. Vincent was spread out beneath him, wonder and arousal in his hazel eyes that were peering up at him. Desire pumped through Ryder's blood urging him claim Vincent with the brutal force that he would never be able to forget who he belonged to.

Ryder locked their lips together, deepening it without hesitation. As Vincent's hands gripped his shirt, Ryder anchored his thighs between Vincent's legs and held them wide apart. Fuck, the kiss took him into a whirlwind of ecstasy. The sweet, sultry taste of Vincent's hot tongue was all that Ryder could focus on as his raging shaft pressed painfully against his pants.

Vincent's hand combed through his hair, it sent a chill down Ryder's body.

Ryder pressed closer, his own hands started to roam desperately trying to remember the lines of his mate's body. Everything that was once only a dream had come to life. He really was on top of Vincent about to claim his as his own

Vincent broke the kiss. "You need to calm down," his voice was hoarse.

Ryder was breathing hard, but he hadn't noticed. He was losing his mind simply from smelling Vincent's erotic scent, that was thicker than fire right now. Both of them were yearning for the other.

"I think I'm might die before that happens," he gritted out.

Vincent let out a small laugh. "Why don't you strip first," he suggested as he began to unbutton Ryder's shirt.

Ryder didn't give a fuck about his shirt. He leaned back and grabbed the two sides and ripped it off, the buttons popped off and scattered surprising Vincent. He tossed the scraps somewhere on the floor and ripped Vincent's shirt off his body. Once he was free, Ryder bent down to the long column of Vincent's neck and kissed him, sucked the skin red and made sure to continue doing that wherever he laid his lips on Vincent's body. He grabbed Vincent's leg and hooked it around his waist, so he could feel both of their shaft pressed against one another and Ryder wasn't the only one aroused. He could feel Vincent's erection against his own and it was fucking hot. Ryder needed to taste him, feel him.

He ran his hands down Vincent's chiselled abdomen, grabbing the buckle of his pants and loosening them. Vincent focused on him with his aroused eyes, watching him with interest. Ryder kissed his way down tasting V's soft skin. His mouth watered like a hungry beast to devour Vincent right fucking now. Ryder removed Vincent's pants and seized his hard shaft in his tight grip, the hot flesh throbbed in his hand.

A feral need pulsed inside Ryder, both of their scents joined together like twin flames causing an explosion. Ryder kept his eyes on Vincent as he lowered his mouth over the head of the shaft. He took as much as he could and controlled Vincent's pleasure with his mouth and tongue alone. Vincent arched his back off the floor, his hand on Ryder's hair gripped tightly and it hurt but felt so fucking good.

"Ryder," Vincent moaned, "oh god."

Ryder fed off Vincent's darkened scent that was maddening. Vincent's rough moans and harsh breath seduced Ryder to quicken his pace and continue his torture over the man, just until he was ready to come. Ryder lathered V's shaft with his tongue before fisting it in his hand and stroking the hard length skillfully.

Vincent gripped Ryder's hair and stopped all motion because he orgasmed in his mouth. Ryder swallowed all his essence and was pleased that he was the one to make Vincent succumb to the pleasure he gave himself.

Vincent lifted off his back and pulled Ryder into a searing hot kiss that sent them into a fiery passion, it bore deep inside Ryder's soul beckoning his powerful wolf to emerge to the surface. The kiss was slow, deep and desperate. Ryder combed his fingers into Vincent's soft blond hair and collared his throat holding him in place as he feasted on his mouth.

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