Chapter 18: Ice & Rose

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Bone was glad that Alister chose a quiet restaurant for this dinner rather than an extravagant place or something that was too chaotic. They arrived at a beautiful diner that was dimly lit with golden retro beams of lighting and there were private booths sectioned off into their own personal area. Although, it didn't go unnoticed that there were men in suits stationed around the restaurant inside and outside. Bone spotted at least three right around the entrance door and about four on the roof. These men definitely knew Alister when he arrived because they gave a slight nod to him. Bone figured these men worked for Alister, it wasn't a surprise. He probably had a flock of bodyguards at all times.

Immediately upon Alister's arrival, a waiter escorted them to a private area that was deeper in the building and no one else sat around here. The booth was made from luxurious black leather and a heavy oak table sat between them. Bone took a seat and Alister sat in front of him. The low light above them illuminated just enough that they could see each other but nothing around them.

The waiter brought menus but Bone just told Alister to order whatever he preferred, and he gladly did. The waiter walked off with the order and brought two glasses of wine to their table. Bone noticed how orderly the waiter worked around Alister. They were prompt and clean and didn't speak unless spoken to. The raw authority that clung to Alister influenced everything around him. No matter where he went everyone saw him as a dangerous man and respected him, because his name alone invoked fear and obedience.

Bone didn't know how to feel about that. As he sat across from Alister, he didn't feel fear or anxiousness. But there was this heavy weight that captured Bone's focus which was fixed only on Alister. He couldn't control the way he followed even the slightest movement Alister made. Bone studied how he moved with such calculated precision that it was just as unnerving as it was fascinating. He never saw Alister hesitate or stammer; if he wanted to do something then he was focused to complete the task perfectly. Even grabbing the glass of sparkling water off the table was done with such an elegant demeanour.

"You're nervous," Alister stated.

Bone was pulled out of his thoughts as he was staring at Alister's arctic-blue eyes. "A little," he admitted.

"Why?" he asked.

Bone drew in a shaky breath. "Probably because I don't know how you will react to what I'm want to tell you," he said.

Alister raked the short layers of his hair back. "Can you do something for me?" he asked.

"Yes?" Bone stared at him curiously.

"Forget for just this little time that I'm your mate or an alpha of a pack or even King's friend," Alister said. "Open yourself and speak from the heart and I will do the same." Like a soft wave washed over Bone hearing those words, some of the angst that weighed on him was removed.

"Alright," he said.

The waiter returned with their food. Earlier, Bone wasn't very hungry, but now, seeing the sizzling piece of steak on a plate, hunger churned in his stomach. He grabbed the knife and fork eager to try how this restaurant seasoned their meat. He easily cut through the beef that was tender and practically melting off. He took a bite and the soft meat turned to juices of flavour with a tinge of spices and butter.

"It's good, isn't," Alister bemused as he watched.

Bone gave up a smile. "It is," he agreed and continued to eat happily, even the wine was perfect. He didn't admit it out loud but Alister deserved the credit where it was due because the food was delicious.

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