Chapter 7: War

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Bone always knew that King was strange but this was something he never thought would happen. The two of them were going to central park; the reason unknown. King hated crowded places. So, he didn't understand what was happening right now.

It was close to seven o'clock in the evening as they walked down the street of Manhattan that was busy as always. Everyone was everywhere, there wasn't a spot that wasn't covered with a human or shifter, child, dog or food truck. Bone was overly aware of each target that was around them. This was why he preferred staying home than walking these chaotic roads. If it wasn't for King dragging him all the way out here then he wouldn't be in this mess.

"Why are we taking a walk in the busiest part of town?" Bone asked impatiently.

"Stop complaining," King retorted as he looked down at his watch.

"What are you not telling me," Bone said.

"I thought it'd be nice for you to get some fresh air," King said idly.

Bone looked around at the busy streets full of cars and the humans everywhere. "I don't like this," he mumbled. "Can I go home?"

"Not yet, I need to meet someone," King answered.

"At a park?" Bone questioned as they came around to a central park where ordinary people took walks with their loved ones or dogs. "Who could we possibly know want to meet here?"

"Trez," he replied.

Bone's eyes widened. "Why would he suggest such a thing?" he was baffled beyond words. Trez never stepped foot outside of his club unless it was for coffee and even that was rare.

King raked his dark hair. "No one knows what that man's thinking," he glowered.

"Why are we meeting him anyway?" Bone asked.

"He has intel that I need-" King took a seat on the park bench, crossing his leg at the knee- "and he's late," he mumbled irritably.

Bone stood by his side, waiting for the moment Trez Luciano showed up. This may be a strange spot for men like Trez and King to discuss work, but it wasn't impossible since no one would think to attack the best fighters out in the open, unless they had a death wish.

Everyone knew of the Luciano brothers, they were spoken about in the largest circles for being prestigious and renowned. Bone didn't care for rumours because he knew Trez and Axe himself, especially since all of them were in cage fights together and escaped together too. They were lethal in the cage and out here in the world too. They built themselves an empire that couldn't be destroyed, it was a fortress- everyone knew that.

Bone sensed a presence approaching them. He didn't move right away, instead pulled his hand out of his pocket to look at his watch only to see the reflection off the glass and see who it was. Trez arrived with a woman by his side. He was a powerful man, walked with control over each step. He had stylish black hair, that was raked back to fit the style of a gentleman but everyone knew that he was nothing short from a cold-blooded killer. He fashioned a tailored suit that was a dark grey, it fit to his muscular form and shined wealth. Bone knew where the Luciano brothers came from and it wasn't from money. Yet, in the ruthless world, Trez worked harder than anyone to get his status secured. The penetrating gaze of his blue eyes was enough to bring a man to his knees. He carried himself with a strict esteem that wasn't matched by anyone.

King spotted him too and didn't react. The woman that held Trez's arm let go and walked off near the ice-cream truck on the side of the park, which was right in front of them as he came and sat on the bench.

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