Chapter 25: Blooming Roses

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Bone returned to the pack's territory late and Alister was with him. However, Alister had the look of astonishment when he parked the car and saw the chaos on the field. Bouncy castles were everywhere and the entire pack was busy eating and playing. Bone understood the man, he had the same look when he came across the Centauri pack and their strange ways.

"You get used to it," Bone said to him.

Hours passed since then.

But Bone was a bit apprehensive since the night he spent at Alister's house. They didn't mark each other and he didn't understand the reason. Perhaps, he pushed the mating too hard on Alister. Bone tried hard to focus on the pack and the family rather than his worries. But it was trickier said than done.

They had dinner already, and then, the news that Gabriel and Sabrina were having a baby girl started another round of drinks. Bone congratulated the couple and they were smothered in hugs by literally everyone. Hailey knew it was late, but she put her apron on and was ready to bake a cake for the celebration. Bone entered the house to help her out, when his hand was seized and Alister dragged him down the hallway to the dining-room which was empty. He pinned Bone against the wall and caged him within his arms.

"Is something wrong?" Bone asked.

"Says the one with the frown on his face," Alister remarked.

Bone touched between his brows and the strained line eased a little. "I didn't realize," he muttered.

"I can feel what you're feeling," Alister whispered gently. "What's wrong?"

"Last night-" he hesitated when he saw Alister's dark blue eyes staring at him intently- "you left when I told you to mark me." A heavy silence fell between them and he wondered if he made Alister angry or upset. He knew he should've kept his mouth shut.

Alister leaned his lips next to Bone's ear- "I left because I wanted to have sex with you."

His heart skipped a beat. "Oh," he said breathlessly.

"Listen to me, Bone, I won't mark you in haste or on a whim," Alister answered.

"What does that mean?"

"It means that I want you to fall madly, preferably deeply, in love with me first," he whispered.

Bone stared at him. "I didn't know love was a part of this," he said.

Alister inched closer, their legs brushed together. "Probably not for others," he said. "But for you and me, it is. I can't mark you until I have your heart."

"How do I give it?"

"You don't," Alister answered. "I'll take it when you're not guarding it."

"I don't guard it on purpose," Bone said hesitantly.

"I know," Alister said.

"I'm sorry," he responded helplessly.

Alister grinned. "Don't be," he kissed Bone's throat, the pulse that was calm and steady started to hammer loudly. "I'm having fun seducing my innocent mate."

Alister left to join King and Bone went into the kitchen on his own. Klaus and Hailey were hard at work. Feeling better himself, he lent a hand with the cake.

They finished a huge chocolate cake with pink frosting in an hour or two, it was simple but it'd have to do.

Bone peered out the kitchen window and tracked to see if Alister was okay. He was standing with King on the porch.

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