Chapter 22: Avowed

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They returned home from the hospital after Azura got treatment for her wounds. Gabriel was on the phone with Clark who was still hosting the party. Ryder didn't know how this mess was going to be cleared up, but no one was better than Gabriel to handle this matter. He was sure to convince Clark and settle it without any repercussions. River had already arranged a team to clean up the dead bodies before anyone at the party could see them. The entire war that they had would be erased from existence. Ryder was sure that that would irk Isabel Morelli since the only thing she craved was to push Gabriel into dark waters and harm his reputation. Well, she managed because Ryder rarely saw Gabriel's temper make an appearance, and tonight at Matthew Adler's house, he took all his fury out on the man. Matthew deserved it, but Ryder and the rest of them that were in the car were cautious of Gabriel's ferocity.

All of them got out of the cars and Ryder's eyes fell on Vincent who was quiet the whole ride home. Vincent was distant and lost in thought, his eyes didn't once search for Ryder, even though all Ryder could look at was his mate's tormented expression.

Ryder wasn't confused or angry at Vincent because he understood what terrified his mate. The amount of death and mayhem they just witnessed was enough to scare anyone. However, this was Ryder's duty as a pack enforcer. Kill or be killed. He knew from day one that he was the first line of defence for the pack and especially Vincent. There was no way he'd let anyone of his pack die on his watch. But Vincent wasn't trained that way. He believed in negotiation and rules, but that only worked on willing opponents, not on people who sought destruction.

"Gabriel-" Sabrina called out pulling Ryder out of his own thoughts. She rushed off the porch with tension creased on her face as she ran into her mate's arms. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She started to cry. Gabriel hugged her in his arms and turned around whispering something for only her ears alone.

The rest of the family rushed out of the house hearing the commotion. Hunter, Hailey, Viola rushed out and Zoya ran to River freaking out and asking what the hell happened. Klaus went straight to King. Azura was on the phone with her team that was sent to monitor the cleanup at the hotel. Bone was with Alister, so he didn't come home with them.

"What's the damage?" Hunter asked him.

Ryder took his eyes off his mate. "Matthew's dead," he told him, "but he told us that Isabel put him up to this and orchestrated the attack."

"That doesn't surprise me at all," Hunter answered. "Are any of you hurt?"

"Azura got shot, but she's patched up. The rest of us are fine, but-" Ryder's eyes fell back on Vincent who stood stiffly by himself even though Viola tried to cheer him up with her banter.

"Give him some time," Hailey said softly. "It's always hard to witness your mate in a fight that may not guarantee their return." She looked up at Hunter with a grief in her blue eyes.

Ryder gave a small smile.

Everyone eventually went inside leaving Hunter, King, River, Ryder and Azura standing with Gabriel.

"I can't believe Isabel used Matthew as a scapegoat," Ryder said.

"How long is this going to go on?" River asked.

"We can't keep letting Isabel play with our lives," Ryder added. "We need to end this."

"Looks like we're all in agreement," Hunter said as he stood with his arms crossed over his chest.

"When should we kill her?" King said. "Tonight, or tomorrow?"

"I say tonight," Azura pitched in.

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