Chapter 4: Caged Rose

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A cage was where he was born. A cage was where he spent his time. A cage was where he was meant to die. Bone was his name and that's all he knew about himself.

Years passed and no one in these cages ever thought to fight back against the ones who held their lives in their hands. He always thought that if he stayed quiet, kept his head down then he'd be granted mercy and perhaps even set free. Bone tried to be lenient so he'd never catch anyone's eyes here because that meant only two things; killed or raped. So, he decided from a young age that he'd stay out of everyone's way and be only a shadow. A shadow that didn't speak to anyone nor ask any questions. It wasn't hard for him since he was born here. The ones that fought were the ones who were kidnapped and brought here by force. They got themselves into trouble by picking a fight with the ones who held a gun and weren't scared to use it. Many learned quickly that they were expendable and kept their mouths' shut just like Bone had.

The number eight zero eight which was scarred into his back by a pure silver blade represented his birth. He was a mere number that proved to be efficient in the cage fights. He was a skilled fighter and won many times, which occasionally earned him food and water. However, it was at night when he was the most alert because the guards sought company and what was better than animals already tied in cages. Bone resented the guards for this but there was nothing he could do if they wanted him. He could fight them but then they'd kill him. So, when he was too tired, he merely laid in the cage and let them have their way. They were relentless, cruel and found humour in their act.

A cage was where he was born. A cage was where he spent his time. A cage was where he was meant to die. He repeated those words like a mantra, until the guards got bored and left him to bleed out all alone. The night turned cold and he could finally get some sleep.

However, he never knew that even in a miserable place like this, someone could come who would invoke hope.

On a winter's eve, a young man arrived as a slave in the cage fights. He was spirited and the power his sapphire blue eyes carried was enough to ward everyone off. He didn't take bullshit from anyone even the guards. On top of that, he was a fighter. He fought and made sure to kill anyone that dared to touch him. Weapon or not, he didn't need one, because he soon became the power men feared.

Bone stayed away from him for a while, that was until they were both put in a cage together to fight. Bone was sure he'd be killed by this man. Frankly, he didn't mind it. He'd rather be killed by this man than the guards. So, when the fight began, he gave it his all and happily too. However, he wasn't killed. This man didn't kill him in the end. Bone always wondered why he spared him when they had no relation together.

After the fight, Bone was in the cage recuperating, but more importantly, he pondered why he was spared. He needed to know, especially since, he was an easy target for that man to kill and move up the ranks, perhaps even be set free.

In the middle of the night, he found his chance, unlocking the cage with the needle he stole from the infirmary. He snuck out of the cage and went looking for that man. He wasn't hard to find since his cage was kept separated from everyone.

Reaching the cage, the man was wide awake and sitting against the cage like it was a comfortable settee and not concrete floors. The man's sapphire eyes flashed with recognition.

Bone crouched down to the floor. "Why didn't you kill me?" he asked.

"What's your name?" he asked in return.

"Bone," he answered after some consideration.

"King," he replied.

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