Chapter 20: Burning Roses

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"Are you bored?" King asked.

"I'm doing fine," Bone answered as he enjoyed his champagne.

"You didn't have to come, if you didn't want to," King said.

Bone knew that, but Klaus asked him to watch King's back since he couldn't come himself. And Bone never denied King or Klaus anything if they asked something of him. He was ready to serve them however he could.

"I came to watch your back," Bone answered. "Don't worry about me."

King nodded. "So," his eyes grew curious, "did you talk to Alister yet?"

Bone's glass halted mid-air. "About what?"

King raised a brow. "You seriously thought I wouldn't know," he remarked.

Bone had a feeling since the night he stayed over at Alister's home and he drove him back the day after. He spent the night with Alister and they even had breakfast together. No one saw them nor did Bone tell anyone. He wondered if Alister told King about the bond. Bone wouldn't be surprised if he did, since they were friends after all.

Bone watched as everyone at the rooftop party was busy socializing. Vincent and Ryder stood with Gabriel and River as they talked to the man who hosted the party tonight. It was lavish event and something for the paparazzi to go insane over. Thankfully, the music was loud, so Bone could talk to King about Alister who did attend the party tonight.

"Yes, I talked to him about the bond," he told King truthfully.


Bone stared at him. "What?"

"What decision have you made?" King asked. "Will you mate him or not?"

Bone didn't find himself in a position with an option. Alister made his intentions quite clear but Bone didn't understand him at all. He didn't see why Alister would be interested in mating a cage slave. The night or in the morning when they were together, he didn't give Alister an answer. Bone only told him to think it over again after learning the whole truth about his past.

"I told him the truth," Bone confessed.

King straightened and drew in a heavy breath. "That's good," he admitted.

"Not most details though, but I'm sure it's not hard to imagine what being in a cage would be like," Bone mumbled as he finished off his drink.

"Alister may be arrogant as hell, but he's not oblivious to the way of the world," King replied.

"He wants to mate," Bone told him. "I just-" his voice trailed off when his eyes caught Alister standing with Gabriel now. He was tall and handsome in a dark tuxedo that was perfectly tailored for his broad figure. His dark hair had been jelled back and neatly trimmed like his beard to his jaw and cheekbones. There was a wicked darkness to his look, it made him tempting but dangerous too.

Suddenly, those stark blue eyes shifted from the group of men and turned towards Bone. His heart skipped a beat and he felt as if he was pinned under Alister's intensity. The air of dominance shifted in the man and it was as if a fire lit beneath the blue in his dark gaze. Bone tried to breathe and he looked away first trying to ensure that he didn't make a fool out of himself.

"This is actually entertaining," King said over his drink. "I never thought someone could ruffle your perfect feathers, Bone."

"Shut up," Bone remarked.

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