Chapter 8: Deep Desire

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It was one of those moments when Ryder didn't know if it was real or not

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It was one of those moments when Ryder didn't know if it was real or not. And everything in his body denied to let him figure it out.

Ryder found himself lying next to Vincent; the bedsheets tousled, a window slightly open letting in the early morning chill. It was quiet as the blue sky filled his room with light. He turned to his side, his eyes never straying from Vincent who was peacefully asleep, his hair perfect even while he was in bed. Ryder had the wish to dishevel the golden locks and comb the soft strands through his fingers. That desire quickly morphed into a pulse of enticing need to reach over and claim his mate.

Vincent woke up like he sensed the dangerous wolf beside him.

That was it. All sense left.

Ryder threw the blanket off and straddled Vincent's waist pushing him into the mattress. He ran his fingers down his soft cheek and his neck. He looked into the mesmerizing gaze that made his stomach flutter every damn time. His body worked off instinct, the raging wolf inside him clawed at him viciously to do what both of them craved.

Ryder's hand naturally collared Vincent's throat, holding him captive like a barbarian before he bent down and sealed their lips. Fuck, it was better than he imagined. The hot, slickness of their tongues melted together; stroking one another lustfully like they'd never break this kiss even if they died. He thought that Vincent would be revolted and push him away, but he didn't. Instead, his hands fisted Ryder's shirt pulling him closer, so their chests pressed together. Ryder's heart was pounding harder than ever before and he was sure that Vincent could sense it too.

A moan escaped V's lips and Ryder hungered for that sound over and over again. All of his body turning to steel, it ached for release and for so much more. Ryder deepened the kiss, wanting to be closer. He'd never dream of stopping especially when Vincent was so vulnerable beneath him, showing his true desire though his hazy gaze and the response from his aroused body.

Ryder bit V's bottom lip before trailing kisses down his sweet neck, he lingered on the spot that pulsed rapidly, it drove them wild. Ruthlessly, he sucked on that spot and almost sank his teeth in the soft flesh. He ran his hands down the man's hot body that was lean but pure muscle. He needed to get their clothes off and taste more of him.

"Slow down," Vincent moaned breathlessly.

Arousal pounded in his body, it turned every part of him into a hungry beast, so the last thing Ryder would do was slow the fuck down. He pushed the shirt away as his mouth continued to kiss down V's body, he caught the band of his pants. Ryder leaned up parting Vincent's legs as he kneeled between them, their hardened shaft pressed against one another.

Claim him, make him ours, his wolf growled.

However, something was off. Ryder would never do any of this without asking Vincent first... What was this? It all seemed hazy now that he focused with all his attention...

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