Chapter 11: Confession

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"You look different," Zeiden said.

Vincent looked up from his empty glass and stared at the youngest brother of the Iron family. "How?" he asked.

"I don't know," Zeiden looked at Vincent keenly.

"Is it the suit?" Vincent asked as he gestured to his new Tom Ford suit.

"No," Zeiden replied. "You just look softer than before."

"Softer?" Vincent bemused.

"Doesn't he, Ronin?" Zeiden asked as he nudged the man beside him.

Ronin looked over while drinking and assessed Vincent keenly. "You do," he concluded.

Vincent had to laugh. "Well, I haven't done anything with my hair," he said.

Ryder appeared then. "Here-" he placed two glasses on the table- "your drink." Vincent took the glass.

Both of them stood together around the tall table as the club boomed with music and voices. All the packs were here tonight and they all sat in the booth beside them. Vincent wasn't going to sit with all the alphas that gathered together because they discussed business and mostly work or pack stuff.

"I still can't believe King knew Alister," Zeiden said.

"I can believe it," Ronin remarked.

Alister Black came and sat with King, which was something that Vincent did not expect, since Alister had a reputation of not liking the packs in this city.

"He's hot though," Zeiden said.

"You're mated," Ryder jested.

"So?" Zeiden replied. "I have eyes and I happily use them."

Vincent laughed and looked at Alister, it was fair to say the man was drop dead gorgeous in a dangerously scary way.

"Marcello would probably kill you for looking at another man," Ronin said as he looked around for Marcello who was in fact sitting with Trez who had joined them too.

"You're right, Zeiden," said Ryder. "Alister is hot."

Vincent stiffened and glanced at Ryder who was drinking the whiskey and staring openly at Alister. "You think so?" he asked.

Ryder's blue eyes focused on Vincent and for some reason that sent a chill down his body. "I do," he shared openly. "You don't agree?"

"Er- no," Vincent stuttered. "He's alright."

"He's more than just alright," Zeiden added.

Ronin and Ryder walked off together to the other table with all the ladies and joined some of the other pack members.

"I never knew Ryder was into men," Zeiden said.

"I didn't either," Vincent mumbled.

"Seriously," Zeiden astonished, "but you're his best friend."

"I had a hunch," Vincent admitted which was the truth since he never saw Ryder hook up with a woman this entire time.

"You two really do know everything about each other," Zeiden alleged.

"We do," Vincent said but something in his heart disagreed. Maybe, he didn't know Ryder as much as he thought. Especially since so much between them wasn't white and black anymore.

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