Chapter 13: Wilting Rose

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"Bone. Bone. Booooooone- Bone-" King repeatedly said that as he followed the obscenely stern man.

Bone groaned and turned around facing King. "Why are you bothering me?" he astounded.

"I need to talk to you," King answered.

"Then talk," Bone responded.


"Do you two need a moment because I can leave?" Gabriel said as he was drinking coffee and reading the newspaper in the kitchen.

Bone rounded the counter and put his own empty cup in the dishwasher. "I'm busy today, King," he said. "If you need anything then I can help you after work."

"No, you can't," King said sternly. "Free the rest of your day. I need to talk to you."

Bone frowned with concern. "Is something wrong?" He asked.

"No, it's important," King said.

"Then I'm free on the Saturday," Bone told him.

King wasn't happy about it but he agreed and took a seat with Gabriel.

Today was as chaotic as it always is in the Centauri manor. Everyone was everywhere just as they all rushed out to go to work. It was finally quiet now in the house. The only ones left were Gabriel, King and himself, but he'd have to leave soon to open the Institute's library. King and Gabriel were discussing work, when suddenly, Bone heard Alister's name come up and it stopped him dead in his tracks.

"Is he coming today?" Gabriel said.

"You were the one who told me to invite him," King replied.

"I know I did." Gabriel's eyes may have been on the newspaper but he was focused on King too. "I just didn't think he'd agree."

Bone didn't either and he didn't want Alister coming here. That alpha was dangerous and unnerved Bone for some mysterious reason.

Bone left the manor and went to water his roses before he'd leave for the school. He was contemplating staying the night at the school so he wouldn't have to meet Alister at dinner. The anxiousness ran through Bone like a poison, he hated being this way.

Opening the garage door, he unravelled the hose and turned the small metal knob until water sprinkled out at the front nose. He walked out and went to the vibrant green bushes that had blooming white roses swaying in the direction of the soft breeze. He sprinkled the water into the dark soil beneath the bushes and let it soak into the plants.

Unknowingly, a smile tugged at his mouth. The fragrance of the roses was abundant today, it was sweet and comforting allowing all the anxiousness in him to simply slip away. The white rose was the epitome of purity. The colour of pearls and the shine of diamonds all in one single petal. Bone understood that he may be tainted but these roses weren't. They reminded him that there was innocence on this planet and not only the hollowness of the cage haunting him. Maybe, he didn't need to strive to fix himself and just live like these roses did every day. However, he couldn't change what he was or where he came from. These roses were pure but he was not. Nothing would change that.

Bone continued to water the roses surrounding the house when he heard the roar of a car. He looked behind him and a dark-blue Aston Martin raced through speedily. Bone didn't know who it was since the windows were tinted black. But other than King, no one drove an Aston Martin around here. So, Bone guessed it wasn't a pack member unless someone bought a new car, it could be Zoya. She loved cars.

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