Chapter 17: Soiled Petals

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Saturday arrived and Bone was avoiding King all day, pretty much to the point, that everyone in the house noticed the chase between them. Klaus was really confused and asked Bone multiple times what was going on. Bone didn't tell the truth because he couldn't face it himself. He was sure that King knew about the mating bond between Alister and himself. King probably had questions and would try to force Bone towards Alister.

Since that night when Alister told Bone about their bond, he hasn't been able to sleep properly. He kept remembering that night and how he walked away from Alister without looking back. He was sure that he pissed Alister off since no one walked away from that alpha before.

However, Bone may have walked away that night, but what was he going to do about the heavy truth that followed him like a demon on a chain tied to his foot. The truth that Alister Black was his mate. How was that possible? Bone was no one, he had nothing. How could he get a mate who was a powerful alpha of a pack?

Nevertheless, there was another thing that consumed his thoughts and ruined his every waking moment. That kiss. It lingered on Bone's lips like an imprint. The soft sensation of Alister's mouth pressed against his own still sent a hot pulse through his soul. He didn't feel like he was in his own body ever since they kissed. Bone had no control over himself or his pheromones. He knew how to hide his scent and keep himself unseen, he taught himself that since he was a pup, it was the only way to stay safe. But now, his scent was oozing out of him and his wolf was curious about Alister.

What was Bone going to do? He couldn't mate Alister. How could he? Who would want a mate that was a slave? Bone was sure that Alister would break the bond the moment he found out the truth.

These thoughts consumed him. He was exhausted to even speak. Bone stood on the porch of the manor about to head inside, when his feet didn't allow him nor did his heart. He just turned to leave for a walk, when abruptly, the door opened and Bone faced King's furious expression.

He turned to escape yet again, but King grabbed Bone's arm. "Oh no, you don't," King growled. "You're coming with me."

"I don't want to," Bone retaliated.

King glared at him. "What are you, five?" he mocked. "Stop being annoying and start walking." He let go of Bone. King shut the door and started off down the porch stairs.

Bone was reluctant but followed nonetheless because he couldn't avoid this forever.

Walking through the forest, they both stayed quiet for a while and Bone wondered what King was going to say to him. He was dying with nerves and almost threw a rock at King for being quiet now that they were out together.

"Why were-"

"I can't-"

King sighed and raked his dark hair. "Why were you avoiding me?" he asked then.

"It doesn't matter. What did you want to ask me?" Bone said.

King put his hands in his pockets. "I wanted to ask if this is what you really want in life?"

Bone stopped in his tracks. "What?"

King stopped too. His gaze solemn. "When we escaped the cage fights, you followed me until I got everything I wanted. Then I met Klaus and you supported me then too. I joined this pack and you came with me. But was any of this what you truly wanted?"

Everything inside Bone disappeared and the hollow shell that he was, that he hid, appeared.

"You were born in a cage and then I just put you in another one," King admitted, his tone angered.

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