Chapter 21: Bad to the Bone

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"What the fuck is going on?" River growled as he tossed a dead body out of his way

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"What the fuck is going on?" River growled as he tossed a dead body out of his way.

"It's gotta be Isabel," King said as he reloaded his gun.

Gabriel stood with them as he raked his hair back. "Where are the others?" he asked sternly.

Abruptly, the door opened and all three of them aimed their weapons at the intruder. But it was only Ryder and Vincent who arrived with Bone and Alister. Nothing needed to be said between all of them because King could tell they were also targeted, since they had their own guns out and angered expressions.

"We need to get out of here," River said.

"There will be a blockade waiting for us," King responded. "This won't be easy."

"Don't wimp out on us now," Ryder jested as he threw his suit's jacket off revealing his holster of weapons.

King smirked. "I'm just glad there's finally something to do."

"Ever since I've acquainted myself with you guys, I've been getting attacked a lot more than usual," Alister commented.

"Welcome to our life," Gabriel said as he passed them all and opened the door and faced them. "Let's get out of here."

"Should we return to the party?" Vincent suggested.

"We don't know who will be targeted, so we can't risk it," River answered.

King and the others followed Gabriel out into the hallway that was glowing red and empty from any threat. The party that was just on the roof was continuing in full blast with deafening music, that was loud enough to block all other sounds. He looked into the room where Ryder and Vincent were and there were dead bodies all over the floor.

Isabel had some nerve attacking them at a party again, King thought to himself.

However, it didn't seem like the party on the roof was interrupted. The only ones that were attacked was them and no one else knew about it.

King stuck to the front guarding them from any intrusion. Rounding a corner, they approached the elevator that was at the end of the hall. King stopped in his tracks when it pinged open revealing a dozen men armed and ready to fight. In the dark hall, the elevator's light flickered as the men stepped off and onto the floor letting the door close behind them. All the light disappeared and the six of them knew what to do. Weapons or not. The only dangerous ones here were the six of them.

"Take Gabriel and the others down the emergency stairs," King told River who stood beside him watching the armed men. "I'll catch up with you."

"No, we won't separate," Gabriel growled.

King and River already made their decision. River grabbed Gabriel's arm and dragged him to the stairs with the others who followed. All except one. Bone stayed right beside him. And surprisingly Alister stood right there leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

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