Chapter 23: White Rose

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They survived this attack but would their luck run out the next time? Bone thought as he sat in the car with Alister.

Bone sat anxiously on the seat since his suit was sullied in blood and dirt which could stain the expensive leather in the car. He wasn't entirely sure why he wasn't in the car with King so he could go home. Instead, Alister took him and they were driving away from Centauri territory. Alister told King that he'd drive Bone home and of course King didn't raise any questions letting them leave together.

"Are you dropping me home?" he asked.

Alister didn't take his eyes off the road. "But aren't you hungry?" he asked instead. "I'm starving."

Bone bit back his laugh. "I can cook you something," he offered.

Alister glanced at Bone, his dark blue eyes flamed with interest. He stepped on the gas and drove speedily down the road.

Bone fidgeted with his thumbs as he recalled what happened in the library before they were attacked. Perhaps, he had given in to the pulsing desire in him to be with Alister, but he confessed how he truly felt for the first time. He told Alister that he'd try to be his mate. He'd give this relationship a chance even if it may not be destined to work out. Bone promised that he'd heal for them, but how certain was that resolve. Could he forget his past and move on?

As the silence grew and he staggered in this darkness, his body remembered the electric sensation of Alister's kiss. He didn't know that his body could ever respond this way. For a long time, Bone forgot the sensation of skin against skin because he feared it. However, with Alister, those sick thoughts were erased and all he sensed was the warmth and strength that protected him. He understood that Alister wouldn't hurt him or use him for his own benefit.

Except, like a plague that spread violently, Bone feared that Alister would demand for more and he wouldn't be able to give it. What if it's too hard and he can't have sex or needs space alone? What if Bone disappoints Alister's standards and refuses to mate?

Something touched Bone's hand. He flinched as his eyes shot down; it was Alister's hand on his, he looked at Alister who was still driving.

"I can practically hear your thoughts," Alister said with a chuckle. "What's got you so worked up, baby?"

Bone watched as Alister laced their fingers together. "Nothing," he mumbled.

He contemplated for a minute before answering with a stern; "Hmm." Alister's brows furrowed and the muscle in his jaw ticked,

Bone's heart skipped a beat and he tried to breathe normally but it wasn't working around this particular man. He couldn't respond or even form a proper sentence when he was under Alister's spell. It was true that Bone lied and that he was worried about a lot of things, but how was he supposed to articulate those thoughts to someone like Alister.

They finally arrived at the underground parking-space from the last time he visited this penthouse. Both of them got out of the car and went to the elevator. They walked in and as it climbed higher and higher, Bone stayed in the corner of the metal box and observed Alister leaning against the wall. There was something playfully devilish about the way, his long legs were crossed at the feet and his arms too. The elevator doors pinged open and Alister led the way out. Bone followed to the door and a simple fingerprint released the lock.

At the other side of the door sat the powerful wolf waiting, it surprised Bone at first but he couldn't help smiling. The wolf stood onto his legs and briefly sought out Alister's attention before he passed along and stared up at Bone.

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