Chapter 19: Siege

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Vincent was already late for the fundraiser party tonight. He just got back from work and made this way alone upstairs to his bedroom to get dressed. Each part of him ached, his back and legs all hurt terribly and the entire blame went to his psychotic mate who wouldn't take 'no' for an answer, and then work was hectic too. Vincent rubbed the kink in his neck as he pushed the door open to his room and entered the empty space.

For the past few days, he's only stayed over at Ryder's cabin so it felt a bit strange to be back here where there wasn't any sign of his mate's presence. This room was left desolate as Vincent already got used to living with Ryder. He turned the light on and walked into the bathroom to shower. He'd quickly freshen up and meet up with Ryder who was also on his way back from work around the pack territory.

After showering, Vincent got out and pulled on his robe that hung on the rack behind the door. He dried his hair off with the towel when the door to his bedroom opened.

"Gabriel, I'll meet you downstairs," he said as he walked out of the bathroom but it wasn't his big brother, it was his mate.

"Hi, baby," Ryder's smile was playful.

Vincent felt his entire body charge with an electrical surge, it was like he was brought back to life. "Hey," he smiled back contently.

Ryder closed the gap and wrapped his arm around his waist before locking their mouths into a heated kiss. God, this felt as if heaven came down on Vincent and took him to the great beyond of this realm. The soft caress of Ryder's lips sent a hot slick sensation down Vincent's body that made him yearn to be closer and deeper. He pressed his own body into Ryder's, the scent of the forest clung to his body and enhanced that spiced fragrance of their mating bond. Vincent pushed his hand into Ryder's dark lush hair and let their mouths stay connected a bit longer.

Ryder's arm braced Vincent's weight against him and it just reminded Vincent how powerful this man really was.

Vincent didn't realize until his legs hit the bed behind him what they intended to do. He fell onto the mattress as Ryder hovered over him stripping off his own shirt. All thoughts of his aching body and exhaustion were lost because all Vincent craved was to be connected to his mate.

Ryder bent over him and untied the sash to the robe letting it fall loose as his mouth trailed down Vincent's jaw and throat, he licked and sucked all the way to his chest. Vincent wasn't thinking clear as he was being controlled at every turn and whim. He bit his bottom lip as he tried to not moan his pleasure out loud, especially in the house with everyone home. Damn it, he should have moved everything in the cabin so he wouldn't have to deal with this.

Abruptly, there was a sharp knock on the door.

Vincent gaped but Ryder got himself busy with the hard erection between them. "Stop," he whispered harshly at his mate.

"V!" It was Hunter. "Gabriel and the others are waiting for you."

Vincent was about to answer but Ryder put his mouth around his hard shaft and took him deep until the base down his throat. "Fuck," he growled at Ryder whose eyes were brimming with satisfaction.

"What?" Hunter asked from behind the door.

Vincent fisted Ryder's head trying to control the beast. "I- I mean-" he swallowed a curse- "Tell Gabriel I'm getting dressed. I'll be down in fifteen minutes."

"Okay." Hunter's boots were heard leaving from the door.

Ryder lifted his head off Vincent's shaft and held it hard within his fist. "I've never seen you panic before," he remarked. "It's a good look on you." Ryder considered while looking at the clock. "You think we can make it downstairs in fifteen minutes?"

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