Chapter 9: You & I

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Vincent hated dreaming, it ruined his mood before he even woke up. Dreaming to him was as if he never went to sleep, and instead, he was tormented all night by thoughts he'd rather ignore. Forcing himself to open his drowsy eyes, he saw the dark sky outside the window across his bed; it was still late at night.

Dreams to him were close to nightmares. He didn't know how to stop them or control them. Ever since he could remember, every dream was the same. He was a kid again, back in the house with his father, all of them fighting every day. He couldn't run away our fight back. He watched as Gabriel protected Klaus from Robert.

Vincent was a renowned lawyer who won any case he took on. But none of that mattered because for as long as he could remember, he was once a kid who couldn't fight for his siblings. He had no power against their father. He thought that it would change now that he was older, but it seemed his stupid dreams had the need to remind him of his weaknesses.

He shifted onto his stomach and groaned against the pillow. He stared out the window watching the warm light peek over the horizon... eventually sleep took him again and he fell asleep into a dark, soundless void...

The door behind him slammed open. "Rise and shine, sleeping beauty," Ryder announced loudly.

"Fuck off," Vincent growled.

"Nope," Ryder ripped the blanket off him.

Vincent groaned. "It's too early," he carped as he fished for the duvet but it vanished somehow.

"Yeah, that's what dawn is," Ryder declared. "Come on, get up. We've got work to do."

"Ryder, I swear to god, I will hurt you if you don't leave me alone," Vincent said as he turned into his back.

"You hurt me, impossible," Ryder scoffed. "Now, come on, get up."

Vincent stared at his friend who was in a hoodie and shorts. He stood up on his bare feet. Ugh, even the floor was too cold in the morning. He stepped in front of Ryder and leaned his head down on the man's shoulder, it was sturdy and reassuring... incredibly comforting. Silence filled the room, but Vincent didn't even notice that. He found himself focusing on Ryder's calm breath and inviting warmth.

"I'm sleepy," he mumbled.

Ryder let out a brief laugh. "You want me to let you sleep for another hour?" he asked.

"Yes, please," he relied eagerly. A strong arm wrapped around Vincent's waist, he was a caught off guard and looked at Ryder's blue eyes curiously.

Amusement swam in his gaze, a smirk on his lips, but an alluring alertness came from him and it called out to Vincent. "Say please again," Ryder whispered.

Vincent found himself staring at his eyes and then lips... almost leaning in and wanting to be here forever. "Screw you," he chided before he pushed Ryder back and found his body shrivelling up from the cold again. "I need a shower and some coffee before I do anything with you," he said before he walked into the bathroom and got under the steaming-hot spray of water without hesitation.

After a prolonged shower, Ryder burst in and shut the water off himself knowing that Vincent would've stalled for however long he could before he got caught. Vincent laughed at Ryder's struggle before he dried off and got some work-out clothes on.

In grey sweats and hoodie, he joined Ryder who was waiting in the kitchen with the cup of coffee ready for him.

"Oh, you're so sweet," Vincent said as he reached out.

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