Chapter 24: Full Moon

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It was a hectic day at the Centauri pack.

Vincent wondered when this blazing summer was going to come to an end. On top of the hottest day, the pack decided to hold a carnival. He stood on the porch of their house as massive bouncy-castles were being put up and Hailey was arranging the barbecue for tonight with a bunch of kids. Sabrina was busy guiding Hunter and Lupin on how to arrange the tables so everyone could eat together.

An ache pulsed through Vincent as memories from last night flashed through his mind. Isabel orchestrated another attack by sending mercenaries to kill them and capture Gabriel. Frankly, Vincent remained worried despite Ryder's efforts to comfort him. They had dangerous lives with the business that they ran, but Vincent never expected to feel this fear constantly now. He loved Ryder and he would never regret mating him. However, what was he supposed to do with this prickling fear? This was probably something that he needed to work on himself. He would have to trust Ryder and believe that he'll be safe when protecting Gabriel or the pack.

Vincent's head throbbed from thinking about this damn problem over and over again. How could anyone enjoy this stupid weather? He wanted to find Isabel Morelli and smother her until her soul left her body.

"V!" A massive body slammed into Vincent from the back. Ryder's arm was around his neck and he was glued to his side with a big, goofy grin on his face.

"Get off me, it's hot," Vincent grumbled, but he was still smothered by his extremely muscular six-foot mate.

"Ooh, so scary," Viola remarked as she walked out of the house and joined them. Ryder laughed with her.

Vincent was well aware that he looked rather pissed off and Ryder with everyone tried pretty much anything to cheer him up.

"I'm going to dominate that bouncy-castle," Azura announced as she stepped out in shorts and a tank-top.

"You can't," Viola said. "Klaus banned us from them after what happened last year."

Azura pushed the sunglasses higher up her nose. "I don't give a shit that a few kids got scared because of my skills," she remarked.

"What'd you say?" Klaus said as he appeared.

Azura stiffened. She looked back at Klaus who was standing harmlessly, but the big, strapping beast behind him was the truly scary one. King glared at Azura to test him right now.

"Er- nothing," she said.

"You're still injured," Klaus said. "I don't want you anywhere near that bouncy castle."

Azura rolled her shoulder. "I'm fine," she said brightly. "No bullet can kill me." They all laughed with her except Vincent.

He hated when anything happened to his pack members. No one should take a bullet and expect to go on with their day like it was nothing. Azura held a brave face but Vincent remembered the uncertainty in her eyes when they were at the hotel and cornered. She feared for Gabriel, not herself. She could have died that night. But right now, she stood here like none of that happened. Another one was doing the same thing, he thought as he stared at Ryder.

They headed off down the porch towards the rest of the pack as popsicles arrived.

"Come on, King," Klaus urged.

"I can think of a million things to do in this heat than sit outside with a bunch of snotty kids," King grumbled as he was being pulled out of the house.

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