Maiden In Bloom

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As they continue on their journey towards Vermilion, they come across a small Eevee."Look at that!An Eevee", both of them exclaim."Eevee is a rare Pokemon.I wonder what it's doing out like this in the wild?", Raiden said before he could take a good look at it."This Eevee-",he was saying something but was cut off by Mayu who said,"This Eevee is not a wild Pokemon.It must belong to a trainer.Its so perfectly groomed.Did someone abandon it or did it get lost?".They thought of actually giving the Eevee to the police so that they can return it to their trainer.But as they were thinking, the Eevee started running towards Cerulean City."Let's follow it.",said Mayu who was followed by Raiden who was groaning about having to go back to the place they were just at.

Raiden reluctantly followed Mayu as they chased after the Eevee, making their way back to Cerulean City. They wondered why the Eevee was heading in that direction and what it could be trying to find. The thought of reuniting the Pokémon with its trainer filled them with a sense of purpose.

As they reached Cerulean City, they noticed the Eevee darting through the busy streets, skillfully maneuvering through the crowds. Mayu and Raiden hurriedly navigated through the bustling city, trying to keep up with the agile Pokémon. Eventually, the Eevee led them to a park on the outskirts of the city.

Breathing heavily, Raiden said, "Phew! Finally, we caught up with it. But why did it bring us here?"

Mayu observed their surroundings and noticed a group of trainers gathered in the park, each with their own Pokémon. She realized that the Eevee was eagerly approaching a young trainer who seemed to be looking around anxiously.

"Look, Raiden! That trainer seems to be searching for something," Mayu exclaimed, pointing towards the worried-looking trainer.

Curious, they approached the trainer and politely asked, "Excuse us, but is this Eevee yours?"

The trainer's face lit up with relief as they replied, "Yes, that's my Eevee! I thought I had lost it forever. Thank you so much for finding it."

Raiden and Mayu smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. They had helped reunite the lost Eevee with its trainer. The trainer expressed their gratitude and introduced themselves as Fujino Sayuri, a young Pokémon trainer from Celadon City.

"I can't thank you enough for finding Eevee,"she said gratefully. "I turned away for just a moment, and it managed to slip away from me. I thought I would never see it again."

"It was our pleasure to help," Mayu replied kindly. "Eevee seemed eager to lead us to you."

Raiden nodded in agreement, saying, "It's incredible how Eevee brought us all the way here, almost as if it knew where to find you."

Sayuri smiled warmly and petted Eevee, who nuzzled against their leg affectionately. "Eevee is quite clever and always manages to surprise me. I'm glad you two were here to guide it back to me."

Sayuri, grateful for the assistance provided by Mayu and Raiden, noticed their Pokémon trainers' attire and asked, "Are both of you Pokémon trainers too?"

Mayu and Raiden nodded in response. "Yes, we are," Mayu replied. "We're on a journey to strengthen our bond with our own Pokémon and challenge gym leaders."

Her eyes lit up with enthusiasm. "That's fantastic! I could use some help with Eevee's training. It's still quite young, and I want to make sure it becomes a strong and well-rounded Pokémon. Would you be willing to assist me?"

Raiden and Mayu exchanged glances, considering the request. They both had a deep passion for training and helping Pokémon reach their full potential.

"We'd be happy to help," Raiden said with a smile. "Training Eevee sounds like a great opportunity for us to learn and grow as trainers too."

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