Teammates And Threats

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As Mayu continued her journey alongside Raiden and Ren, the capture of a Spinarak brought back memories of her very first Pokémon, Weedle. The tiny Bug-type Pokémon had been her faithful companion since the beginning of her trainer's journey.

Gently cradling the newly captured Spinarak in her arms, Mayu couldn't help but reminisce about the time she had caught her first Pokémon. She recalled the excitement and anticipation she had felt when Weedle had appeared before her, its tiny form full of potential and promise.

"Weedle... You were my very first Pokémon," Mayu whispered softly, a fond smile gracing her lips. "I remember the bond we shared, the battles we fought together. You were always there for me."

As she released her Spinarak back into its Poké Ball, Mayu couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards her Weedle. It had taught her the value of friendship, loyalty, and the unbreakable bond that forms between a trainer and their Pokémon.

"I won't forget you, Beedrill," Mayu said with determination in her voice. "I'll continue our journey together, making new memories and facing new challenges. Thank you for being by my side."

As the night gets darker and darker, they camped outside Dark Cave."Dark Cave leads to a completely different city and not Violet.",Ren said and suddenly a wild injured Teddiursa came to their campsite. Startled by the sight of the wounded Pokémon, Mayu, Raiden, and Ren quickly moved closer to assess its condition. The Teddiursa whimpered softly, its fur matted and dirty, indicating that it had been through a difficult time.

"We need to help it," Mayu said, concern evident in her voice. "It looks hurt and exhausted."

Raiden nodded in agreement. "We should treat its injuries and give it some food and water. Poor thing must be starving."

Ren fetched some potions from her bag and carefully sprayed them on the Teddiursa's wounds, soothing its pain. Mayu offered it a small portion of their ration, which the Pokémon eagerly devoured.

As they tended to its needs, the trio couldn't help but wonder how the Teddiursa had ended up in such a state. They speculated on the dangers it might have faced in the Dark Cave or the hardships it had encountered on its journey.

After some time, the Teddiursa seemed to regain some strength, its eyes brightening and its movements becoming less sluggish. It looked up at the three trainers, gratitude and trust evident in its gaze.

"You're going to be okay now," Mayu whispered, gently stroking the Teddiursa's head. "You're safe with me."

Moved by their encounter with the wounded Pokémon, the trainers decided to give it a name—Teddy. It seemed fitting, considering its species and the teddy bear-like appearance that inspired warmth and comfort.From that moment onward, it became a part of their team, joining Mayu.

The next day, they arrived in Violet City, a thriving Metropolis. They were surprised to see the locals much better off than it's counterpart in Kanto. However, they had to be on high alert as Violet's policy against illegal Kanto migrants was quite strong.

Ren found a quiet corner in the Pokémon Center and discreetly dialed Steven's number. She kept her voice low as she spoke into the phone.

"Steven, it's Ren. We've arrived in Violet City, but things are a bit tense here. The city has strict policies against illegal Kanto migrants, and we need to be careful."

Steven's calm voice came through the receiver. "I understand, Ren. It's important to prioritize your safety. Have you encountered any issues so far?"

Ren glanced around to ensure no one was eavesdropping before replying, "Not yet, but we can feel the tension in the air. We'll need to keep a low profile and avoid drawing attention to ourselves."

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