Another Vote

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As Blendy returned to Sootopolis City, the weight of the recent events hung heavy on her shoulders. She sought out Steven, the stern expression on his face reflecting the gravity of the situation. Blendy recounted the events on the Sea Mauville, the confrontation with Ren, and the heart-wrenching choice Ren had made.

Steven, listening intently, sighed heavily. "Ren... she always had a complex way of viewing the world. This sacrifice, however misguided, is a reflection of her internal struggle."

Mayu, who had been pacing anxiously, couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Ren sacrificed herself? For what? To prove some twisted point?!"

Brendan, trying to keep a level head, stepped forward. "Mayu, she was clearly dealing with some deep-seated issues. It might not make sense to us, but maybe it did to her. We need to try to understand, even if we don't agree."

Mayu, frustration etched on her face, snapped, "Understand? Brendan, she chose to detonate a boat! What is there to understand?!"

Blendy, stepping in, said, "Mayu, grief can lead people to extreme actions. Ren was burdened by more than any of us knew. It's not easy to make sense of it all."

Steven, with a grave expression, addressed the group. "Ren's actions were tragic, and the repercussions will ripple through our lives. We must find a way to move forward, but first, we need to deal with the immediate threats posed by both Team Aqua and Team Magma. The fate of Hoenn hangs in the balance."

Raiden, deep in thought, brought up a critical point. "Maxie had control over both Regirock and Registeel. Now that he's gone, those legendary Pokémon are free and potentially a threat. We need to locate them before they cause havoc."

Steven, contemplating the situation, agreed. "You're right, Raiden. We can't afford to have powerful Pokémon running wild. We should prioritize finding Regirock and Registeel to prevent any potential disasters."

Mayu, still grappling with the recent events, added, "Let's focus on resolving this and putting an end to the chaos that Team Aqua and Team Magma have unleashed."

Steven, taking charge of the situation, asserted, "I'll coordinate with the Elite Four to handle the Regi situation. In the meantime, the rest of you should focus on tracking down Archie and ensuring he doesn't cause further trouble. Mayu, I believe it's time for you to earn your final badge in Sootopolis. It'll strengthen our position against any potential threats."

Mayu, nodding in agreement, replied, "I'll do my best to secure the final badge. We need every advantage we can get in these turbulent times."

As the others dispersed to handle their assigned tasks, Wallace approached Mayu. He wore a contemplative expression, his eyes reflecting the weight of the decisions ahead. "Mayu, I need to convene another vote among the gym leaders. We must collectively decide on our stance in this crisis. It's a crucial moment for Hoenn, and every leader's perspective matters."

Mayu, feeling a sense of isolation, replied, "I understand, Wallace. Do what you must. I'll focus on earning the badge in Sootopolis and await further instructions."

Wallace nodded, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "Take care, Mayu. We'll reconvene once the decisions are made. Our unity is essential in facing the challenges ahead."

Left alone, Mayu couldn't shake off the feeling of uncertainty. The fate of Hoenn rested on the shoulders of its leaders, and she awaited the outcome with a mix of apprehension and determination.

In the quiet solitude of Sootopolis, Mayu couldn't help but feel a small seed of worry growing within her. The memories of past events flashed through her mind – encounters with Team Aqua and Magma, the revelation of Ren's apparent betrayal, and the recent explosions at Mt. Pyre and the Magma and Aqua bases.

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