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Ren's voice trembled as she finally spoke the truth. The weight of her actions and the consequences they carried hung heavy in the air. She knew that admitting her rebellion would sever her ties with Steven, the one person she had trusted and admired. But she couldn't hide behind lies any longer.

"I... I am rebelling, Steven," Ren's voice quivered with a mix of guilt and determination. "I have betrayed Hoenn, and I have leaked important information. I am sorry, but there are circumstances... secrets that I couldn't bear to let out. I had no choice."

Steven's anger turned to sorrow as he heard Ren's confession. His voice softened, filled with disappointment and a tinge of heartbreak. "Ren, how could you... I trusted you, believed in you. I thought you were different, that you would help bridge the gap between our regions. But now..."

Tears streamed down Ren's face as she interrupted, her voice choked with remorse. "Steven, I am so sorry. I never wanted things to turn out this way. But my secrets... they were too much to bear. I didn't want to lose everything. Please understand."

Steven took a deep breath, struggling to find the right words. "Ren, I understand that everyone has their own burdens and their reasons. But what you've done... it's a grave betrayal, not just of Hoenn, but of our trust and friendship. I can't simply overlook this. There will be consequences."

Ren sobbed uncontrollably, her heart shattered by the reality of her actions and the distance that had grown between her and Steven. "I know, Steven. I deserve the consequences, whatever they may be. I'm ready to face them."

"Ren, I know the hardships that you faced to get where you are now. You came from the rock bottom. All of the struggle and pain you took, it's all in vain if you continue with this.",he warned her. "I am sorry Steven but I don't know of what else I will have to do. Until I am free from their grasp, Please... Please..."
"Ren, what you're doing is against us...",he said as he tried calming down. "Oh Steven... I don't know what to do... I have no other option but rebel... Please... Keep the fact that I am rebelling hidden. If the government finds out, they'll come after me. I wish everything could go back to normal, the both of us and Wallace... I am doing this to protect myself and our region. This person has high access, he'll harm all of you if I rebel against him and if I don't rebel against all of you, I would die...",she tried to hold her tears back. "Ren, it's over. Whom you fight for is now upto you... Forget us all... Forget me, Wallace and everyone else you knew... Including your past. I hope you have fun in Johto with your friends not only now but forever... Before I cut you off, I just want to say I always respected you and will respect you... I just hope you realise you'll be back where you started.",his voice was abruptly cut off.

Ren's heart sank as Steven's voice disappeared from the other end of the line. She was left with a mixture of emotions, overwhelmed by guilt, sadness, and a sense of impending loneliness. She knew deep down that Steven's words held truth, that her rebellion would only lead her back to a life of isolation and despair.

Tears streamed down Ren's face as she clutched her phone tightly, feeling the weight of her choices crushing her spirit. She had hoped against hope that Steven would understand, that he would offer her a glimmer of support or guidance. But now, she was left with the harsh reality of her actions and the consequences she would have to face.

In that moment, Ren made a silent promise to herself. She would find a way to right her wrongs, to rectify the path she had taken. She would strive to protect Hoenn, even if it meant facing the wrath of those she once trusted. She couldn't change the past, but she could determine her future.

"Hey Ren!",Mayu's voice called out. "I don't know how to put this but I kind of went to the gym in Violet City without you and got my first badge here in the Johto Region. Sorry...",Mayu tried to joke. Ren put on her happy face for Mayu and said that it was fine. "I am gonna call it in for the night Mayu...",she said and left. This was a bit shocking for Mayu but she thought that Ren was just mad at her for going to the gym without her. That night Ren recieved another message from that mysterious person.

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