Sea Mauville Sacrifice

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In the heart of Sootopolis City, surrounded by the ancient walls of the Cave of Origin, the group gathered to discuss the unprecedented events that had unfolded. The legendary Pokémon Groudon and Kyogre had been awakened, their powers now in flux, and Ren's reappearance added a layer of complexity to the situation.

As the murmurs of concern filled the air, Steven's voice cut through, firm and decisive. "Once a traitor... Always a traitor. Ren's actions have left a mark on our journey, and we must proceed with caution."

Raiden, still grappling with the shock of Ren's involvement, nodded in agreement. "We need to find her and understand her motives. There might be more to this than meets the eye."

Mayu, who had been silent, spoke up with a determined expression. "Whatever Ren's reasons are, we can't let the chaos she unleashed continue. We have to stop Groudon and Kyogre from wreaking havoc."

Steven, his gaze thoughtful, added, "Our next steps will be crucial. We must devise a plan to locate Ren, contain the legendary Pokémon, and ensure the safety of Hoenn."

"What reasons could Ren possibly have to betray humanity? What could drive her to unleash Groudon and Kyogre like this?"

Raiden, grappling with the same questions, sighed, his gaze distant. "I wish I knew, Mayu. Ren has always been mysterious, and her motives have often been elusive. We need to find her and get answers directly from her."

Mayu's eyes reflected a determined resolve. "But how do we even begin to understand someone who's capable of such actions? She caught Groudon, and now Kyogre is on the loose. What's her endgame?"

Raiden placed a reassuring hand on Mayu's shoulder. "We'll figure it out together. Our journey has been filled with challenges, and this is just another hurdle. We'll confront Ren and uncover the truth."

As Mayu shared her discovery of the grave with the name "Ozaki Ren" at Mt. Pyre, a palpable tension filled the air. Wallace, thoughtful and composed, suggested, "Perhaps we should seek Blendy's insights. She might have some knowledge or understanding of what transpired."

They quickly called Blendy, who, unbeknownst to them, was on the Sea Mauville. The creaking sounds of the ship and the rhythmic swaying of the sea marked their surroundings as Blendy stood near the ship's railing, gazing out at the horizon.

"Blendy," Wallace called out, "Mayu has made a puzzling discovery at Mt. Pyre. There's a grave with the name Ozaki Ren. Do you know anything about this?"

Blendy turned to face them, her expression a mix of surprise and concern. "Ren's grave at Mt. Pyre? That shouldn't be possible. Ren is alive, and she was with us not too long ago."

Mayu's eyes widened with a mix of confusion and disbelief. "But I saw it with my own eyes. There was a grave, Blendy. How do you explain that?"

Blendy sighed, her gaze returning to the vast sea. "Hoenn has always been a region shrouded in mystery. The connection between life, death, and legendary Pokémon runs deep. Ren's actions may be tied to forces beyond our understanding. We must uncover the truth together."

The sudden explosion on Sea Mauville sent shockwaves through the ship, causing panic and chaos among the passengers. Blendy, caught in the turmoil, struggled to maintain her footing as she navigated through the now perilous surroundings. Amidst the disarray, she couldn't help but wonder about the source of the explosion.

As she hurriedly moved towards a more stable area of the ship, Blendy was startled to come face to face with Ren, who stood confidently beside her Salamence. Blendy's expression shifted from confusion to a mix of anger and concern. "Ren, what is the meaning of this? Why would you endanger everyone on this ship?"

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